Week 30 was July 26, 2021 through August 1, 2021. Happy August everyone!
Wednesday – July 28th
Caitlyn finished off her last day at the library working as Graduate Assistant. What a blessing to get to work and have your grad school paid for as well as have a stipend to pay bills with.

Thursday – July 29th
We have been enjoying the new Chick-fil-a. Trying to go as much as possible before the craziness that happens when all the college students move back into town.

Friday – July 30th
Friday, Drew called the U-Haul place to make sure everything was good to go for Saturday. It wasn’t. They said they weren’t going to have a truck for him. He ended up using Grandpa’s flat bed trailer and horse trailer. As you can they brought some stuff over to our house Friday. Stuff that needed to be a little more climate controlled.

Saturday – July 31st
Here’s a picture after everything was loaded up. It took us a little less than 2 hours to bring everything downstairs and load it up.

Sunday – August 1st
After church, Rob got asked to work in the TV room at church. He ran a couple cameras for the 11 o’clock service.

Sunday afternoon we ended up going out to the in-law’s farm to bring our pressure washer out for Rob’s step dad to look at. Rob was about halfway done pressure washing our outdoor rug, when the pressure washer quit working. Not only that but the gas was pouring out from the side. It needs a quick replacement, like those on Pressure Washing Vestavia Hills AL.
Anyway, while were there I got to feed the calves.

How did is your August so far?
We just ate at a Chick- Fil-A for the first time yesterday; I really wasn’t sure what to order though. It all looked delicious.