Jan. 20 – MLK Day! We went to lunch with Caitlyn at Yaki Bowl. So yum!

Jan. 21 – Snow Day #1! Work from home *eye roll*
Over at Drew & Caitlyn’s house

Meanwhile at my house…

Katniss wasn’t sure what to think.

So cold…this helped warm the house up.

Jan. 22 – Snow Day #2! Work from home *eye roll*

Jan. 23 – Snow Day#3! In office work day even though university was closed. Roads still icy in places

Top of the deck at my building

It was Drew’s birthday and he wanted to go to Baumhower’s. It ended up being Tiger Talk night, which was fun. Drew ended up asking a question to AU’s basketball coach. Alex’s restaurant was closed still, so he was able to join us.

Jan. 24 – Gymnastics meet vs. Oregon State and Olympic Gold medalist, Jade Carey.

Jan. 26 – Women’s basketball game

How’s life with you?
My last biweekly post >>>> Week 1 & 2
That was quite a snow Auburn got! Jack said they have to go to Saturday classes to make up the time.