Week 29 [2021]

Week 29 [2021]

I had discontinued doing these Weekly update posts because since I was doing the Sentence-A-Day posts at the end of month, I felt like it was kind of repetitive. However, I have a hard time keeping up with the sentences and just felt that wasn’t the best way to share what goes on. I’m going to be going through an catching up with my weekly posts, because I like to be able to refer back to them.

So today I’m starting with last week’s post which was for July 19-25, 2021.

Monday – July 19th
Drew actually started his job 2 weeks ago, but he was working in the warehouse so he wasn’t doing his actual job. On Monday, he came over after work and I got this 1st day of work pic! 🙂 So happy and proud of this hard working man.

2021-07-19 18.25.33
I get about this amount of tomatoes pretty much everyday. Also with the amount of rain we’ve had this year, I’ve had to pick some tomatoes early do they don’t split and get ruined.

2021-07-19 17.12.57
Wednesday – July 21st
I got these super cute earrings that I found from By Bay Jewelry. I just need to get something to wear with them.

2021-07-21 16.29.37
Thursday – July 22nd
Look at these new leaves on my Monstera Deliciosa. So proud of Monty

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Thursday – July 23rd
I fell through the deck on Thursday. We have some weak boards and when I’m outside in my little container garden that is on the deck, I forget. I was leaning over and had all my weight on a very weak board and I wasn’t thinking about it. Bam! Find my self with my leg through the deck, stuck and in lots of pain. This is the one side of my leg. The other side the bruise is much bigger and super painful. I’m ready for lumber prices to come down so we can redo the deck. I’ll get in touch with a local lumber supplier to order once the prices drop.

2021-07-22 12.20.37
2021-07-23 18.35.37

Saturday – July 24th
There was not a service for Rob’s Gramma, so Rob’s Mom decided to have one at our church. It was a lovely service. It was all us local folks as well as Rob’s Mom and Step Dad’s Sunday School Class. Here’s the fam afterwards:


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