Week 27 started with us finishing off our vacation on July 5, 2021 and ended July 11, 2021
Monday – July 5th
When we got back into town from vacation, we unloaded the car and drove out to Beauregard to see Rob’s sister, Jill and her fam. Here’s a pic of the Grandparents (Rob’s Mom and Step Dad) with all the Grands! 2 + 6 + 1

Free piggy back rides?

Saturday – July 7th
Little tomato harvest

Look at this really cool squash that I will use for fall decor if it doesn’t go bad before then.

Sunday – July 8th
Alex went to hang out with friends to watch another NBA finals game.

Saturday – July 10th Drew and Buster came over to hang out with Rob on his birthday. However, Drew started feeling bad so he ended up in his old bed, which is now in the guest bed. He ended up being quite sick for a few days with a stomach bug.

Sunday – July 11th
Really cool moth on my car

So not too much excitement this past week, just getting used being back in reality.