Week 17::2023

Week 17::2023

Happy Monday yall! Here are week 17 highlights (April 24-30, 2023).


Groom + Groomsmen 0521

Oh Monday, how I don’t want to think back to that evening. I think I’m going to write an entire post about this, because I have a lot to say. The vote didn’t go the way Rob and I wanted, which makes me very, very sad. I’ll share more later.

We’re in the last couple weeks of the semester, which means I’m ramping up and getting ready for the next semester. My current students sent in their requested summer work schedules, so I now I have to start interviewing to fill all the open hours. This week my goal is to interview a good chunk of people and wrap up early next week.

I had to get to the hospital for a 6:30am appointment to have HIDA scan for my gallbladder. The HIDA scan isn’t bad at all.

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The worst part of the hole thing was having to drink an Ensure…yuck!

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I got my results back the next day and found out my gallbladder appears to be working fine, so since my symptoms have subsided I guess I won’t worry about it.

Thursday, I was just feeling rough, but I had interviews all morning. Those went pretty well. I had emailed a bunch more, but they don’t respond. I’m not sure if they just apply to appease their parents, but have no intention of actually getting a job. It’s frustrating.

That afternoon, I was just feeling worse and worse. Body aches and headache that just had me feeling terrible. I went home and went to bed. That evening, my eyelids felt hot, so I took my temp and I was running a low grade fever. I never run a fever, so I messaged my office to let them know I’d be out Friday.

Friday & Saturday
I was just in bed for the most part. Not sure what I have, but its not fun. Rob’s been taking good care of me.

Sunday, I didn’t do anything except that evening we took a trip out to the new Buc-ee’s for the first time since it opened here. Rob got Big Red, which makes him very happy since you can’t get that in Auburn.

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This trip wore me out, so that was a good indication that I need to probably give myself one more day to build back up to a long day at work.


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon. Those mystery fever ailments can really wear you out. Jack has made several trips to the Buccee’s. I bet it’s popular! That is so disappointing about the job applicants. Jack is trying to get a summer job here in Tx, and has been running into employers who never return calls. I guess it can be frustrating on both ends. I’m sorry to hear about your church issues. Take care of yourself.

  2. Laura Bambrick

    I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! i hope you are back to yourself soon!

  3. Joanne

    Sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well! I hope you’re feeling better soon.

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