Week 14::2023

Week 14::2023

Hey yall! Here we are for another week of highlights (April 3rd-9th, 2023). You know me…always playing catch up when it comes this place. 🙂 Thanks to those who stick around and show me some love.

I think I mentioned it in my last weekly post, but when we were in Florida, I was having some pretty bad stomach issues. I couldn’t get into the nurse practitioner until Tuesday. They were guessing it’s my gallbladder, which is what I’ve been thinking. Friday I went in for an ultrasound and found out I have ‘sludge and possibly a small gallstone.’ I have since contacted my dr to ask to have the next test done as I’m experiencing some intermittent pain under my right rib and back.

2023-04-04 13.30.21

These 2 hung out with me. He was playing with her hair, trying to braid it.

2023-04-05 16.06.25

They also made dinner and invited Drew and Caitlyn over.

2023-04-05 17.47.17

Rob unfortunately missed out because he was at dgroup. It was veggie beef soup…really good!

2023-04-05 18.34.26

This book (Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose)…So good! I listened to the audio book and I basically binged it in just a couple days. Lately I haven’t been able to get very far in books, because they just don’t hold my attention. However, this one was quite the opposite. It’s a murder/thriller. I’m just so mad I didn’t figure out who did. I know some folks gave it really bad reviews, but I totally disagree.

2023-04-06 11.56.59

After work I went over to our shopping center in Opelika called TigerTown. I went to my 3 favorite stores; Ross, TJMaxx, and Target. I had a list of things to look for.

I got these at Ross. I wanted something kind of tall, like this pretty wood egg shaped cut out for on top of the speaker where I have some other Easter stuff. And the bowl…well, I have a weird thing for bowls like this. It was so pretty and it was only $5.

2023-04-06 18.07.39

At Target I got a new candle and some sunscreen for the trip.

2023-04-06 18.02.55

At TJMaxx, I got a new purse for the trip and new sunglasses because my other pair just broke!

2023-04-06 18.03.27

What does my dog do just a few days after Rob gives her bath? She plays in the dirt and her white is almost as red as she is in places. She is such a tomboy. She has also caught a record number of chipmunks lately.

2023-04-07 09.24.34

Look at her paws!

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Kayleigh plays hard…and she sleeps hard. She does eventually get herself clean enough to come in too.

2023-04-08 13.08.44

2023-04-08 11.24.18

Easter Sunday
We got up early Easter morning to be at church for the early 8am service. I gave Katniss some lovin’ and snapped this pic of us.

2023-04-09 07.34.16

It was a cold morning. Didn’t feel much like Easter, but the flowers at church sure felt like spring for sure!

2023-04-09 08.49.11

2023-04-09 08.56.04

2023-04-09 08.54.21e

These two lovebirds stopped by after church and hung out with us and Rob’s mom and stepdad until it was time for them to go over to her family’s house for Easter lunch. Alex had to work, so we didn’t get to see him that day. 🙁

2023-04-09 11.46.01

I didn’t take any pics of our Easter meal, but I provided the ham, strawberries, and dessert. The rest of the fam provided all the sides.

We got this pretty carrot cake for dessert. We served it with vanilla or butter pecan ice cream. Yummy!

2023-04-09 13.25.26

After serving the dessert and enjoying that, Rob and I left the family to clean all the dishes as we had to get to the airport for our desert adventures!


  1. Gosh you look pretty in blue!! Love the selfie and the church pic, too. You have some pretty cute pets. I miss having a dog. Always thought I would get another one when the kids were out of the house but it hasn’t happened.

    Soup looks delicious. How nice to have someone fix dinner for you. My daughter gave me a Hello Fresh kit yesterday. I had to make it but still it was great not to have to think…what’s for supper?

    Hope you get something done about your ‘sludge’?? and gallstone. I have not been feeling right but my PA and I can’t figure out what’s going on. I am spring cleaning today and feeling some better.

  2. Joanne

    That soup looks yummy! I’m always on the lookout for a good audiobook so I’ll keep that one in mind. I find I often need to try and make my own judgement on books as some that get all the hype fall flat for me and I end up loving others that many people didn’t.

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