Wednesday Hodgepodge 3.27.2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge 3.27.2024

1.What do you love about your life right now?
I am loving the days when it’s cool (not reaching the 80’s and not going below 60). That’s my kind of weather!

2. March 26th is National Spinach Day…are you a fan? If so, how do you like yours prepared/served?
I like raw spinach and I love my Spinach dip. I actually try to eat less spinach now though because it has high oxalates which contribute to kidney stones. I have never passed a kidney stone, but during a CAT scan for something else my doctor mentioned I had a kidney stone. I’m not trying to make it bigger. I hope I never know its there!

food - 05

3. In this current season would you say you need to spend more time looking inward or that you need to get out of your head? Tell us why.
I am always in my head and I’m always telling my head to shut up. 🙂

4. Are you following the ‘March Madness’ madness? (That’s US college basketball in case you’re out of the loop) What’s something that feels like actual madness to you right now?
I was following March Madness. Always do. My boys and Rob are big into it. However, when my team lost in the 1st round, I’m kind of bitter about how it all went down. I’m not nearly as excited about my brackets. Although, we’ll still watch some games.

5. How will you celebrate the Easter/Passover holiday this year?
Our Easter plans are still up in the air. Church and lunch at our house with some fam is all I know right now.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
Thinking back to all our Florida Spring Training Trips Here’s a few of my favorite pics from those trips after a quick glance.


2018-03-10 12.10.15




  1. Kym

    oh dear, sorry about the kidney stones! The spring training photos look like so much fun! I used to wish we could go for spring training but it’s the busiest time of year at my husband’s work so I guess that will wait for retirement! Hope you’re having a great week!

  2. I am with you on the weather! Ours is going to be just like that for the next week, I believe.

  3. I hope that kidney stone never materializes. They are so miserable!! I agree March Madness is not quite as fun once your team is out. Here’s hoping Tennessee doesn’t disappoint us tonite! Happy Easter to you!

  4. I love spinach and never knew it contributed to kidney stones. Ugh. I would LOVE to get to more Spring Training games!!!

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