Wednesday Hodgepodge 2.21.2024

By | February 21, 2024

1. What kind of thinker are you – doer (concrete thinking), analyst (analytical and abstract thinking), orator (logical thinking), inventor (imaginative thinking), or original thinker (creative)? What makes you say so? You can try this little quiz (link here) to help with your answer.
concrete (The Doer), analytical or abstract thinking (The Analyst), logical thinking (The Orator), imaginative (The Inventor) and creative (The Original Thinker).

Before doing the quiz, I said I would call myself an orator. I’m a pretty logical thinker. Depending on my mood or the subject, I can be an original (creative thinker) as well. Then, I noticed the quiz she linked to and these were my results:
Doer: 75%
Original Thinker: 63%
Inventor: 50%
Analyst: 38%
Orator: 25%

So the quiz think I’m a concrete thinker a “doer” with original thinker coming in second. Interesting!

2. Do you own a crock pot, air fryer, and/or instapot? Do you leave said small appliance sitting out? How often do you use it/them? Favorite thing to make in one of these?
I own all three and I do not keep any of them on the counter except when using or allowing to cool. A goal of mine this year is to keep kitchen counters cleared off. All my appliances like these have ‘homes.’ I use the crock pot once every 4 or 5 months (mainly bc my instant pot can also act as a slow cooker. Air Fryer I use once a week. Pork chops in the air fryer on the best!! Instant pot, I use 3-4 times a week. I love that thing!

3. What’s something you hold a strong opinion on that matters not at all in the grand scheme of things?
This was a difficult one. I know there are things that I have strong opinions on that don’t really matter, but I haven’t been able to think of any.

4. Describe the view from your window. From my big ‘picture’ window in my front room, I see our front yard that’s home to our very large pine tree that drops lots of pine needles down on our yard. I see our new drive way with my Honda Pilot that drops oil on said new drive way 🙁 The part of the yard that was resodded in the fall. Some of the square have started to disappear as they are growing together. There are also some bright green grassy weeds growing up from the new sod. Our hedges in front of this window are overgrown and need to be manicured. Lots of work to do this spring!

5. Do you have a favorite brand? Explain. I have lots of favorite brands. I love Apple products. Although their expensive, they’re worth it to me. I love Hondas. They run forever. I could go on and on, but those are 2 brands we’re quite loyal to.

6. Insert your own random thought here.
I love Aubie. He is so entertaining. This was on Valentine’s Day. Looking dapper in his pink suit. It’s pretty cool to have mascot with the most national championship with a record of 10 wins!!

2024-02-14 21.12.03

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge 2.21.2024

  1. Joyce

    Just this week we had all the shrubs ripped out from in front of our dining room window (the front of the house). They were too big and were growing in to a water line and should never have been put there to begin with, but that’s what the landscaper put in when we built. We put low boxwoods in their place and some big stone too to help with drainage. It already looks so much better. My daughter made pork chops in her air fryer when I was there visiting and they were delish! Have a nice day!

  2. Tanya

    Aubie is so fun and I just smile anytime I see him, especially on Instagram! I just took the quiz and I was also a Doer. Most of the others were tied, with Analyst being a low score. Interesting!


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