Wedding Freak Outs

By | September 12, 2011

Oh blog. How I miss you and wish I could spend more time with you, but I can’t even see straight right now. I did feel the need to update you though, because you are supposed to tell the story of my life and well you know that most of the time when I post it’s usually something unsubstantial. So what’s been going on with me and the fam?
– I’ve been swamped trying to get Soccer league pictures edited and ordered and delivered by my deadline at the end of the month. That is STRESS!
– On top of that, I’m preparing for my sister’s wedding that occurs THIS Sunday in Texas. Congrats to Nikki & Chris! Did I mention I’m going to be the photographer!?!?!? NERVES, hello?
– I’ve ordered some new equipment, which I’m now freaking out about because it’s way more complicated than I thought.
– Months ago, I talked to Nikki’s mother-in-law-to-be about sending me pics of Chris as a child. I wanted to do this during my FREE time, but you know nothing you ever plan turns out that way. Up until Sunday, I didn’t think the slideshow was going to happen, because I didn’t have a single picture of Chris from her. She finally emailed them to me. So now I’m in rush mode to get the slideshow made, find a projector, among many other stresses that go along with doing a project like this.
– My sister, the Bride, how I love her, but she is so busy with school and work along with finalizing the details since she is doing this wedding with the just help of a few people. The problem with that is that getting details out of her is almost as bad as pulling teeth from a gator!
– My Mom should be given a new car after all the work she has done for Nikki’s big day.
– I’m dreading the drive to Texas. We’re breaking it up, which I’m hoping helps, but part of me just wants to get there!
– We’re leaving Friday at 5 coming back either right after the wedding Sunday night like at midnight or first thing Monday morning. Ugh! LOVE the 12 hour drive!
– I have an awful fear we’re going to breakdown on the way there. Irrational fear………..
– My nerves have somewhat been calmed by the fact that I got my Dad to help with the photography. Did I mention that’s what he did for a living way back before digital photography? #winning!
– Everything I have tried to do today has taken me 10 times as long because I’ve run out of room on my computer, so I’m constantly having to delete stuff or more stuff to my hard drive. I got a 2T hard drive, so I finally got that set up, so tonight maybe I can actually work!
– Yah, so maybe I should have called this my gripe post…….. yah, I should have.

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