Traveling in Texas

Traveling in Texas

On Day 7 we got up bright and early and told Granny goodbye. The boys had decided the night before that they wanted to go see the baseball stadium at Texas A&M, which would add some time to the trip. Hence the reason we got up super early.

We first stopped on our way out of town to do a quick exploration of TCU‘s campus. I can’t remember if I mentioned it earlier, but Drew has a goal to go to all major college football stadiums in the south (or something like that.)

Here he stands inside Amon G. Carter Stadium.
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Alex poses in this spot just outside the stadium.
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We made a quick stop in Waco at Baylor University, but could never find the football stadium. We did turn around at the Baylor Ballpark parking lot and I got this quick shot.
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A reminder of where we’re headed.
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When we got into College Station, we stopped at the Bonfire Memorial. It was a little bit of let down, because there was a box of brochures at the beginning of the memorial which would have explained what it all meant. Everything was very symbolic and sense we couldn’t read about it, it was all a bit of a mystery to us.
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Then, we stopped at Kyle Field to get Drew and Alex’s pic inside the stadium.
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Then, we stopped at Olsen Field at Blue Bell Park.
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Beautiful place
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Spencer’s Corner, a playground inside the park. Pretty cool feature
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After leaving Texas A&M, we realized we were pretty hungry. We ended up stopping at a Whataburger. Yum!!

We passed through Houston with relative ease.
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We got into Clearlake in enough time to go bowling with Papere before Mamere got home.
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When we got back from bowling, I sat and visited with Pam while she cooked and the boys played croquet.
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Pics of Day 7 here.

Read what we did the other day so of the trip:
Day 1 & 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 8
Day 9 & 10


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