
Last Sunday we attended the contemporary service at church, my favorite! We also visited a Sunday school class, Footsteps. We had started visiting classes last year, but never got to finish trying some others out. I’ll admit it’s been awhile since we’ve been to church and it seems that when we go awhile without going, when we go back it’s like the messages that are taught are handpicked just for us.

Both the sermon and the lesson in Sunday School just really hit home with both Rob and me. The sermon was really just about taking one day at a time. God gives us today. Yesterday is gone and over with and tomorrow….well we never know for sure if we’ll have a tomorrow. And the point that hit home during our Sunday School lesson was similar saying if Jesus were to come back to Earth today, would I be ready? Would I be ready for him to see the life that I’m leading? Have I lived my life to the fullest and savored the time that I’ve had with my family? Have I taken for granted what God gives to me each and every day? Truthfully, those were some hard questions to stare in the face. We discussed how easy it is for us to get wrapped up in our daily lives that we forget the gifts we’re given. I’m trying to make an effort to stop and think about what I have and how blessed I really am even with all the unknown that is out there for my family and me right now. I hope you’ll take time this weekend to count your blessings too.


  1. BethC

    That is so good and true. Thanks for sharing!

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