The Weekly [10.4-10.2020]

The Weekly [10.4-10.2020]

Last Sunday, we drove to church that afternoon for drive by communion as well as blessing of the pets. Everybody loved seeing Kayleigh.

2020-10-04 12.16.38 HDR

Rob and Drew went the Auburn football game Saturday. This is a pretty big deal with COVID. Auburn decided to make game by game decisions on who can attend. The first game was pretty much students only. This game, which was the 2nd home game was a mix of season ticket holder and students. It was a yucky, rainy day. Hence the reason I didn’t go. So it was a pretty bleak crowd.


I ordered a mixture of small pumpkins and gourds in my grocery order this week. I decorated the entry table (pictured here), breakfast table, and front steps.

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I’ve got little cucumbers on my plant.

2020-10-07 11.01.03

Rob’s Mom and Step Dad finally decided to join our church even though they’ve been attending the church for 2 years. So happy they made it official.

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On Friday, I knew we hadn’t seen her for at least a day. I was starting to worry about her and then I remembered that Alex had mowed the lawn on Wednesday evening. I thought I’d better check the storage shed in the backyard. So happy that she was in there. I brought her inside after eating 3 bowls of food, so stayed close to one of us. She was in need of human companionship.

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I made my favorite Jalapeno Popper dip and posted about it>>>Jalapeno Popper Dip


When Drew comes over he usually bring Caitlyn’s dog, Buster, with him to get him out of the house. He and Kayleigh get a long really nicely.

2020-10-08 17.46.44

It’s been raining a lot the last few days. I guess it’s probably bands from the hurricane. When this entry posts, we’re supposed to be getting some work done our house, where we have water rot and termite damage around our chimney area. As long as it’s not raining.

Linking up with:

The Other Side of the Road | My Glittery Heart | The Sirois Family | Lindsay’s Sweet World


  1. Joanne

    We accidentally locked our neighbor’s cat in our shed for a couple of days! That poor thing was so hungry and so dehydrated by the time we found him.

    • Lysha

      Oh no! Curiosity can get the best of cats. I’m just glad I was able to remember the last time I saw her.

  2. The Auburn game looks like a washout! We got lots of rain while we were in Atlanta.

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