Spring Break 2006

Spring Break 2006

Tree in the Backyard

Ok, why is it that work weeks creep by, but spring break flies by in the blink of an eye? It’s Wednesday already! Yes, I’m sorry for those of you who work year round and I know I’m lucky to have off when I do. I just can’t help it. I’m dreading going back to work, because for 2 straight weeks the kids will be taking the SAT10 and the ARMT. Yuck!

Normally when I have a day off here or there I spend it cleaning, washing, you know all that fun stuff called house work? So I told myself I wouldn’t spend the week cleaning. In fact, I haven’t done hardly anything around the house except washing clothes, which isn’t optional.

Last Saturday we started working on this awful flower bed area in our backyard that was horrendous! Weeds, overgrown bushes, poison ivy, other thorny vines. Yah, it was bad. We got it pretty much cleared out and this week I’ve done some work on it by myself since Mr. M has had to work. We went to Lowes and got some stuff we want to plant. We still need to get border, ground cover, and potting soil. I’ll be sure to post a pic when we’re done.

The picture above is a tree in our backyard that has pretty purple blooms.


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