Sooo Busy!

I always have good intentions of blogging at least once a week, but life has really gotten busy since my last post. Monday, August 30th, I subbed at a school was told by the office lady that they had some maternity leave spots that may need to be filled and that I should speak with one of the principals. Well, I did, but she wasn’t sure if that teacher had found someone. I told her to please keep me in my mind, yadda-yadda-yadda.

On my way home that day, I noticed Rob had called a few times. Called him back and he told me to call my boss from the library. So I did and it turns out that the lady who’s spot I took from last Nov. till this Feb. who was hit by the car, had had a stroke. He asked if I was interested in coming back for a couple weeks, maybe longer. Since I haven’t worked at all since July except for subbing 2 days the week before, I jumped on it. So Tuesday, August 31st, I started working at the library in the afternoons until midnight. I see God answering my prayers before my very eyes.

Thursday, September 2, the school I was at called to see if I could sub again the next day, so I did. When I showed up they explained that the teacher I had subbed for on Monday was put on bedrest and they asked if I was interested in the long-term sub job. Of course, I said yes, while trying to figure out how I’m going to juggle doing full time teaching with the library job. I love the library job, so as of right now my boss is working with me and I’m just working 4 and half hours a day instead of 8 with a couple hours on Fridays. Again, I see the Lord providing for us. Life was getting very scary. With the beginning of school in August, travel soccer fees due, car tags and taxes due in September, among a long list of other things we weren’t sure how we were going to be able to make it. I am counting my blessings as I know that God is good. Now I’m praying that I have the strength to work 15 hours a day/5 days a week!


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