She is here!!

She is here!!

I am a Grandmother!

L.A. joined us after Caitlyn endured 30 hours of hard labor on February 5, 2025 @ 12:37am!

Here’s the happy couple after about 12 hours of labor.

2025-02-04 08.15.13_BW

7 lbs. 10 oz.
21 inches

2025-02-05 01.02.12-1_BW

I am taking the verbiage from Caitlyn’s f@cebook post from last week because it was so well written…
“She is home and healthy now, but that wasn’t the case a few days ago. As soon as she was born she was unable to fully breathe on her own due to Meconium Aspiration Syndrome and had to be put on oxygen, a cpap, and antibiotics. Because of this she had to be put in the NICU right away. However, all of the NICU beds at EAMC were full, so they had to transport her to Baptist Medical South in Montgomery. It was heartbreaking to have her be taken away from us so soon, but thankfully my doctor let me be discharged after only 12 hours so that we could go be with her.

After 4 long days, she graduated from the NICU and we were finally able to bring her home! She is so strong and healthy now without any issues. We are enjoying time with our sweet girl at home now and can’t get enough of her!”

Here’s details and photos for her time before coming home…

Ready for her ambulance ride to Montgomery.

2025-02-05 04.30.09-1_BW

Rob and I made 2 trips to Montgomery that week to see her and to be there for Drew and Cailtyn as needed. We got to see that sweet baby 3 times during those 2 visits there.

Our first visit, she was hooked to all the things including breathing tube inside her incubator.

2025-02-05 17.07.23_BW

After that visit, we met up with Caitlyn and Drew for dinner. Caitlyn was out of the hospital just 12 hours after giving birth, but so anxious to hold that baby.

Before giving birth, she had a list of things she was anxious to be able to eat again. One of those things was sushi, so we went to a sushi place that night. She got a plate full of sushi, while the rest of us got hibachi.

After that it was visitation time again. So happy to see this little girl with her Daddy.

2025-02-05 21.12.33_BW

Momma time

2025-02-05 20.53.31-1_BW

Then, it was our turn since only 2 visitors can be back there at one time. This was our 2nd time seeing her and already such an improvement! They had removed her oxygen and had her swaddled! We got to touch her this time.

2025-02-05 21.44.03_BW

On Thursday, we went back to the hospital. On this day we got to hold her and feed her. It was the best!

2025-02-06 13.52.22

2025-02-06 16.31.59_BW

2025-02-06 16.31.38_BW

2025-02-06 16.45.44_BW

2025-02-06 17.25.27_BW

Naptime on Daddy

2025-02-06 12.35.11_BW

Uncle Alex made the drive to see his 1st niece! So sweet!

2025-02-07 00.00.11_BW

That day she got her IV removed, which was huge. Done with antibiotics! She also got promoted to a regular crib.

2025-02-07 13.45.30_BW

Back at their house, someone had decorated their mailbox with a pink bow.

2025-02-07 15.32.38

The next day she got discharged from the NICU and the 3 of them got to move to a regular room so that they could adjust to life before going home.

2025-02-08 16.01.24_BW

On Sunday, they were discharged from the hospital and got to go home!!

2025-02-09 11.07.04_BW

To say we are overjoyed is an understatement! L.A. is now 2 weeks old and the new little family is adjusting well to life.


  1. Joanne

    Oh I’ve been waiting for this post! I knew the announcement had to be coming soon. Congratulations grandma!! I am so glad to hear that all is well now. She is so cute.

  2. Tanya

    Congratulations!!!!!! So happy for y’all. The labor and NICU sound so difficult, but worth it to bring such a sweet baby girl home. Both of my babies were in NICU, and Jack had to go via ambulance to the big downtown hospital, and I remember how hard it was! Congrats to your whole family, and especially the new mom and dad!

    • Lysha

      Yes, totally unexpected especially for new parents and grandparents. Thank you!!

  3. Congratulations to your family! That is so scary what happened, but I am thankful she is doing well now!

  4. Congratulations!! Welcome to the very best club. I am sure you are already in love with L.A. and your new title, grandmother!! I am so sorry baby girl had a struggle her first few days but I know firsthand the good work NICU nurses do and I am sure she received the best care. Goodness, she is a doll. Just perfect. Love her little round arms and legs and chubby cheeks. Everyone looks so happy. Congratulations, one and all. Kiss baby girl for me.

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