Sharing Food and Fun with Friends

Sharing Food and Fun with Friends

"Food is our common ground, a universal experience."  ~James Beard

Sunday, we had a great afternoon and evening visiting with our friends that came over. We’ve been talking with them about Rob’s recipe for homemade pasta called Cavatelli or Cavatels. Making cavatels is not a meal that an individual should make. For it’s way more fun to gather around and take turns cranking the cavatelli maker, watching the noodles fall from the machine.

The sauce and meatballs were all made beforehand. Here you see Rob making the meatballs that actually cook in the sauce. You can find the recipe here.


Here we are all gathered around making the Cavatelli.

And here is the delicious result of all that hard work.
Homemade Pasta called Cavatels

Have you ever had friends over, not just for dinner, but there to actually help cook dinner?


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