Share Our Lives: 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Foods

By | May 13, 2024

Share Our Lives

5 Favorite Foods
Chips and Hummus particularly this kind Fresh Cravings Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus
Mexican food (fajitas are my go to on low carb – no tortillas or rice)

I was looking at most loved/hated foods by Americans and I saw that a lot of people don’t like onions, ranch dressing, olives, and cilantro. I love all these things!! What about you?

5 Least Favorite Foods
Liver (organ meat in general)

Feel free to jump in with the link up on one of these blogs: Joanne / Dara / Adrienne / Jen / Sarah

Here are the topics they have planned for this year. These link-ups go live the 2nd Monday of every month:
JanuaryIntroductions and Jobs You’ve Had
FebruaryHow You Met Your Significant Other or Best Friend
March5 Items You Can’t Live Without
April – Favorite Make Up and Hair Products
May – 5 Favorite and Least Favorite Foods
June – Foods to Make For Someone Else
July – Day in the Life, Summer Edition
August – Least Favorite Activities
September – Finding Peace In Your Day
October – Sweet Tooth Cravings
November – Where Do You Shop?
December – Favorite Smells

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