Sentence a Day – June 2021

Sentence a Day – June 2021

1 / Tuesday – Met Rob and Alex for lunch at Beyond the Wok.
Neighborhood turkey – Not sure where this turkey lives or if he just hangs out in our neighborhood. He shows up every few weeks and just struts around.

2021-06-02 19.10.00

2 / Wednesday – First time PT for Alex this morning.

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3 / Thursday – This morning while heading into work, I noticed this squirrel had a huge piece of food. Looked like a piece of a bun. This picture doesn’t do this justice. I couldn’t get close enough.

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4 / Friday – Alex got his 1st vaccine. Drew came over and then Caitlyn. We ended up eating at Fusion. Tried bubble tea and it was nasty.

5 / Saturday – Rob went to help a scout with his Eagle Scout project plans.

Look at how relaxed she is!

2021-06-05 15.35.18

6 / Sunday – I love having Alex drive me to church. He goes to Youth Sunday School. I attended church with Rob. Went to farm where Chrysalis Retreat will take place. Alex went to birthday party. Rob and I ate at Outback for dinner.

7 / Monday – We went to Boy Scout court of honor. Good to see some friends. Rebecca brought me my trial contacts, which was so sweet of her. Should be our last time meeting out at the Mary Olive Thomas Demonstration Forest (MOTDF) since the church we meet at should allow us to meet there in the fall.

8 / Tuesday – went and got Arby’s for Alex and I for lunch. Brought it home and ate. I watched Youtube. Rob had lunch with Marc. Got my haircut today.

9 / Wednesday – Cleaned the other side of the bedroom. Looks so much better.

10 / Thursday – Got my new glasses today.

11 / Friday – Lots of rain this week. Have interesting mushrooms growing out of my grow pots.

12 / Saturday – Drew & Caitlyn came over. Rob and them went on a very long Walk. Glad I stayed home.

13 / Sunday – Great day! napped/went to store for a few odds and ends for garden and house plants.

14 / Monday – Alex got poison ivy from doing yard work on Friday.

15 / Tuesday – Drew and Buster came over. I made Poppy Seed Chicken for dinner.

16 / Wednesday – Poison ivy on Alex is so bad. He’s got it on his hand, face, and neck really bad. The blisters on his hands are huge and look so painful.

17 / Thursday – Alex’s friend Cole came over to discuss Chrysalis flight so both boys know what’s going on.

18 / Friday – Helped Rob get ready for summer camp; shopping and printing medical forms, etc.

2021-06-18 21.15.59

19 / Saturday – celebrated Father’s Day after feeding animals at Johnston farm. Went to Kabuki. Nick came. Alex went to Cole’s birthday party. New Star Wars shirt for theme party Rob and I to Rob’s ribs for dinner.

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20 / Sunday – Alex and I took Rob to breakfast before he headed out to leave for summer camp. Then Alex and I went to church. After that we went home and changed. I headed out to go to the farm so I could feed the animals. Then I came home and ate and took a nap. I went to Lowes/Home Depot for some soil and got a new plant: Monstera adansonii aka Swiss Cheese Plant. I ended up repotting it and I just love it.

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21 / Monday – Went to work. Picked up groceries when I got off. Alex and I had chicken and broccoli pasta which was pretty good. Even better leftover. Alex and I watched Vlog Creations on YouTube while we ate dinner.

22 / Tuesday – Our temporary employee who just left for a real job, Emmy texted talking about her new job. On another not starting to finally get a nice stack of letters for Alex and Cole.

23 / Wednesday – Such a good day even though I stayed home from work bc my body just hurt so bad. Drew came over and I made Alex get out of bed. We played Farkle and Uno Flip. Then, Drew made up a game that it’s a combo of Uno Flip and Gin Rummy. I went to Rebecca’s house for cookbook club.

24 / Thursday – Such a good afternoon. Alex mowed the lawn this morning. I came home a little early for a shower before picking up Cole and heading to dinner at poplar dawgs and chrysalis. Alex seemed really happy. I am praying this is a great weekend for him!

25 / Friday – took the day off. Server lunch up at camp. I got a smile out of Alex. Katniss all balled up in the spare bedroom.

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26 / Saturday – Drew, Alice, Caitlyn, and Layne ride with me up to Chyrsalis, but ate dinner first at Poplar Cawgs. Alex nodded at me as we walked through.

27 / Sunday – Such a good day. Amy (Cole’s mom), Alice, and Drew rode up to camp for closing. Alex actually spoke!! I was so proud of him. Each table went up together, which I thought helped encourage more to speak. Alex spoke 2nd out of his table.

28 / Monday – I registered my kid for Auburn City Schools for the very last time ever!! Alex came home from work tonight in a good mood. Rob and I got hugs good night from Alex.

29 / Tuesday – Drew and Caitlyn came over to share that he got a real job! Using his degree! In Auburn! So excited!!

30 / Wednesday – Worked half a day and went home to finish packing. When Rob got home we loaded the car and headed to the cabin for the next few days!

Linking up with host of a Sentence a Day, Rebecca Jo

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  1. Joanne

    I love that new plant! What a fun find. We have a whole family of turkeys that wander around our area; it’s really cute to see the babies growing. So sorry to read about Alex’s poison ivy. That sounds like it was painful.

    • Lysha

      Oh the poison ivy was awful. I have never seen blisters so big!

  2. What a unique plant!! Aptly named. It is really cool.
    I think bubble tea is also called boba tea…do you know if that is right? I have put trying boba tea on my summer bucket list. My sister had an alcoholic version and liked it. Maybe that’s what you needed!! Also want to try rolled ice cream this summer.
    Proud that Alex spoke at the camp closing ceremony. I know you were proud, too. Looking forward to seeing pics of your vacation.

  3. We’ve seen baby antelope, deer & turkeys recently. I enjoy seeing the wildlife animals while out & about. Your kitty & pup look so relaxed, I just want to reach down & pet them. Oh dear, that poison ivy. A cabin vacation sounds nice & relaxing, looking forward to reading about what you did at the cabin in July’s sentence a day. Karen

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