Sentence a Day – January 2021

Sentence a Day – January 2021

This last year several of my blogging buddies have been doing a post called Sentence a Day where you write down a sentence to sum up your day. Now I love how Leslie from Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After says “one run-on sentence a day.” If only I had known we could cheat like that 😉 I have a feeling like mine may be more like that for February!
Sentence a Day - January 2021

1 – Drew tested positive for COVID and Caitlyn started January symptoms later in the day.
2 – Nice lazy day of bowl game watching and lots of blog work completed.
3 – Andrew texted me at 10:30pm asking if I could bring them some cough drops so of course I did.
4 – Back work and diagnostic ultrasound showed nothing of concern.
5 – So frustrated with Alex’s school and how terrible their scheduling system is as well as their lack of communication.
6 – Decided to reorganize all the Christmas storage boxes since we can’t put them back in the attic right now any (rat traps).
7 – Stressed. I do this to myself. Had a great idea last night for a training system that will carried out through the entire semester.
8 – Tiring day training my new group of new hires who happen to be all girls. It went well.
9 – Forgot to write!
10 – Just sort of in a funk today. They canceled winter retreat today so that means that Alex can take the ACT that weekend so he registered for the ACT.
11 – super busy morning in the office this week.
12- Busy day work training new hires in the office.
13 – Bo Nix walked by my office today.
14 – Really loving my new hires who are all still so eager and excited about their new jobs.
15 – Last day in the office till next month – hallelujah!
16 – Good day with the fam including visiting my mother-in-law real quick for her 69th birthday bring her cake and ice cream.
17 – New mailbox -check New toilet seat -check Frames for auburn prints-check
18 – MLK day and we got 2 new chairs for the front room and a cabinet for the kitchen and in the process found a rodent hole chewed through the wall.
19 – My office has been kind of messy which bothers me so I cleaned that up some and then some yoga.
20 – Went online and submitted interest and risk level for the COVID vaccine.
21- I believe my new phone has been ordered or at least is in process!
22 – I did 4 workouts this week using PopSugar videos on YouTube!
23 – Rob and I got the 1st round of the COVID shot. Drew and Caitlyn come over and we hung out and went out for dinner and even though its his 23rd birthday we did not yet celebrate since Alex was at work.
24 – Celebrated Drew’s birthday a day late and it was a good day.
25 – Went into the office for a bit this afternoon to do a few things and to talk to my boss about work stuff and life stuff.
26- Rob started feeling bad today and we’re wondering if he’s having side effects of the vaccine.
27- Rob worked from home today instead of going into the office bc of his symptoms.
28 – I got my new phone but I ordered the wrong case.
29 – Went in for blood work this morning for my 6 month check up.
30 – My new case came in today so I finally get to use my phone for real.
31 – Trying to quarantine from Rob is an adjustment, so last night was the first night ever I slept not in my bed at home.

Linking up with host of a Sentence a Day, Rebecca Jo


  1. I’m sorry your month was so filled with Covid worries. That’s not fun. New chairs however, ARE fun!

  2. Joanne

    I was so excited to see you joined in with this month’s sentence a day! (most people use run on’s or more than one sentence but really it seems like anything goes). Your blood work sentence reminded me that I’m supposed to be going to have mine checked every 6 months.. it’s been 18 months since I’ve had mine checked!

    • Lysha

      Good to know that anything goes! I ended up having to do a teledoc appointment after the bloodwork since my family has COVID. Luckily nothing major changed, so that’s good news.

  3. I would like to know more about the Covid vaccine symptoms. Lots of us/me are thinking, wondering and talking about the vaccine, to get it or not to get it. Covid has been all around but we’ve not got it yet in our household. I’m here thinking like I want to get it & get it over with, though we have a friend that just got out of ICU that was not one of the ones to only have mild symptoms. When he came out of ICU & was put into a regular room, he got a hall lined, standing ovation & was told not many people make it out of ICU being in there for Covid. I enjoyed reading your SaD.

    • Lysha

      The vaccine symptoms are much like having the flu – muscle aches, joint aches, fever, headache, fatigue. For the first vaccine, I just had a sore arm for about a day. I hear after the 2nd shot the side effects are much worse. I get mine Saturday, so we shall see.

  4. You are a good mama to deliver cough drops at bedtime!! I bet it did feel strange to sleep in another room in your house. We have done that a couple of times…once after a fight, once when PC was really sick. A couple of times we have slept in the guest room for fun!!

    Hope February is a healthier month for you guys!!

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