It’s time again for another Sentence a Day. Last month, I stuck with an actual sentence. This time I just wrote what I wanted to write, so this month’s a little more lengthy.
1 – Monday – Alex at home till the 10th bc of COVID exposure. He started Webex classes and staying quarantined to his room. He’s got a sore throat and headache.
2 – Tuesday – Took Alex to AU Medical for 2nd test. I totally thought it was going to come back negative as my thinking was that he has something vital. However we got a call about an hour after being home that he had tested positive for COVID. “Told ya so, Mom!” Was his reaction.
3 – Wednesday – Tele Doc appointment about blood work since I’ve been exposed to Covid. All is about the same which at least it’s not worse.
4 – Thursday – Alex is having a hard time staying quarantined to his room for some reason. We watched a couple episodes of “The Good Place.”
5 – Friday – Sore from working out all week so I didn’t work out today. Kayleigh’s been rubbing her ears with her paws so we were able to get her to the vet. Turns out she has a double ear infection. Apparently at around the age of 3 is when dogs can develop allergies. She will eat only dog food, no treats, or anything so we can try and figure out what if it’s her food or something else.
6 – Saturday – Rob asked me since his quarantine is over as of today what level of quarantining I feel like he should be doing with me. I said we could sit and watch TV in the living room if he sits on the far couch and I sit in my chair. I said I would continue sleeping in the spare bedroom for a few more days to be sure.
7 – Sunday – Yucky rainy day. Hung out with Rob and watched way too much basketball. I started reading a book this morning. Alex is done with quarantine so he was able to join Rob and me back into the living room. Pretty good day besides getting aggravated with Alex while trying to help him organize a plan we asked him to make. We watched the Super Bowl. It wasn’t the outcome I was kinda wanting but really didn’t care. Don’t have a dog in the fight. Enjoyed the half time show by The Weekend. No mostly naked people is always a better show unlike last year.
8 – Monday – I let Alex stay home another day because he just still wasn’t feeling great. He was still able to get onto his Webex classes.
9 – Tuesday – Ate lunch at Beyond the Wok. Drew came over and hung out. He did some work on for ARM while hangin out in the living room. Then all the guys watched the AU basketball game. I planted seeds.
10 – Wednesday – Alex had his biweekly appointment so I checked him out and took him to that. I ran some errands while he was there. Then we went to Beyond the Wok (his choice) for lunch. Good mom/son time. I put planted seeds on heat mats. Drew came over to work on the baseball schedule for the reduced amount of tickets we can get for AU baseball and Rob also purchased A-list tickets for Braves.
11 – Thursday – Alex missed the bus for the 3rd consecutive day in a row! This grounding is killing me more than him. I get punished by having to take 30 minutes out of my day to drive him to school. He had to stay after school to make up a test. He doesn’t have his cell phone so no way to communicate. Teacher emailed me and said to get come him at 5pm because it usually takes students about 70 minutes to finish. He was done in 15! He was so mad at me.
12 – Friday – Rob and I went to Esposito’s for Valentine’s dinner. I had a couple glasses of wine and lasagna. Rob had the Chicken Parm. We had Canollis for dessert.
13 – Saturday – Rob and Alex went to help Rusty with his Eagle project. They came home wet and muddy. This evening Rob cooked steaks (not on the grill). They turned out delicious! Some of my flower seeds sprouted today!
14 – Sunday – Packed up the top level of the house. All the bedrooms because they are coming on Tuesday to install new carpet!
15 – Monday – Lots of things to be annoyed about work wise today. Other than that, Rob and I started looking at spring break plans…possible spring training.
16 – Tuesday – They were supposed to be here to install the carpet upstairs this morning. However, the carpet didn’t come in yesterday so hopefully they can come soon. I’ve been working out to Zumba videos on YouTube. I did 30-32 minutes that last several weeks. This week I upped my Apple Watch to a 35 minutes goal on my rings this week. It’s so frustrating. I think I’m making progress bc it seems like what I’m doing isn’t getting my heart rate up like it did before. So that means that like for today I worked out for 35 minutes, but only 26 minutes on my exercise ring. If that makes any sense.
17 – Wednesday – Slept better last night. Drew came over for a bit to drop the indoor turkey fryer he had borrowed and to borrow an adapter for a monitor is he borrowing. Rob, Drew, and I ‘attended’ the virtual Ash Wednesday service. Rob and I spent the rest of the evening trying to figure out spring break with the spring training schedule and COVID. Less than half the teams in Florida advertise when tickets are going on sell. We figure they are letting season ticket holder purchase them first.
18 – Thursday – I’m going into the office this morning to do training sheets with my new hires because both of our temps aren’t there as much this week. The carpet people came, moved all the furniture out of 2 rooms, pulled up the carpet, brought the wrong carpet pad, but luckily Rob caught it before they laid it down. Then when they went to pick up the carpet and do a few precuts, they realized the carpet had 2 huge streaks down it, so they will have to reorder it. In the mean time they installers came back and installed the pad. They moved furniture back sorta. Our house is such a mess and I’m pretty much over it! You can also avail CBD’s furniture removals service as they can help you to get a level of service that ensures a happy and successful transfer.
19 – Friday – I slept through my 6am alarm. Didn’t get Alex up. Ended up staying home because he was sick to his stomach. Rob and Drew went to the first baseball game of the year at AU! They have been so eager and excited for baseball season to start. I took Kayleigh back to the vet for her 2nd set of ear drops. So now we give it another 6-8 weeks to see if her ears are still bothering her after eliminating everything but her food.
20 – Saturday – Rob left at the crack of dawn to head up to Maranook for Youth ‘One Day Worship’ that’s kind of replaced our Youth Winter Retreat that didn’t happen because of COVID. I took Alex up there later after grabbing breakfast at Chick-fil-a. After dropping him off I headed back and went to Tiger Town. Enjoyed leisurely shopping without worrying about having to be back home or other commitments. I hardly ever get to do that.
21 – Sunday – Alex and I got into a huge fight. I hate that my fog (fibromyalgia brain) doesn’t allow me to respond in ways that I would be most beneficial during stressful times like that. Rob and Step Dad David were at the AU baseball game. They came home afterwards and Drew came over (with his hair curled – LOL – it’s grown out enough that Caitlyn curled it). Anyway, they came over to divvy out the tickets that we have for the rest of the season since we couldn’t get all the games bc of 20% capacity allowed.
22 – Monday – Drew and Rob planned a quick weekend trip to Texas to watch Auburn play in a baseball tournament. They will leave Thursday after work. I got my new containers for the kitchen. I really like them. I’m not sure about the chalkboard stickers they came with.

24 – Wednesday – Rob and I spent our lunch hour looking back VRBO/AirBnB options for our spring Break Trip. After work she showed Alex and got his input. Then we went to book the place we decided on only to have the owner respond back that it was booked during that time. The owner didn’t have the website up to date. After that we spent another 3 hours trying to figure out a place. We wound up booking a hotel suite instead. That was painful, but I think it will end up being a great choice. I hope!
25 – Thursday – Cleaned my office and the utility room. So much better! It’s amazing how that makes me feel to get things put where they belong and not have so much clutter all over the place. Rob and Drew left for Austin today. They had a late flight out.
26 – Friday – Got a lot more cleaning and organizing done. Want to get all of us to go through t-shirts and get blankets made with them. I’m tired of all the boxes of old t-shirts. I watched several episodes of “For Life” season 2. Got my haircut. It’s a little sooner than I usually do it. I typically get my haircut. Alex and I got Taco Bell for dinner. We’re the only 2 that will eat it. It’s so hit and miss though. We watched some episodes of “The Good Place.”
27 – Saturday – Woke up feeling not so great. Made a trip to Walmart. Did lots more cleaning and organizing. I always bite off more than I can chew, but oh well. It’s how I roll. Lots of stuff for Rob to deal with and go through. Started watching Ginny & Georgia on Netflix.
28 – Sunday – Alex and I attended online church at home. I got lunch ready. Rob got home around lunch. I was just so tired so I took a nap. Back to being completely overwhelmed with stress.
Linking up with host of a Sentence a Day, Rebecca Jo
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Be sure to link up with us tomorrow with your Sentence a Day post. We usually share our posts on the first Tuesday of the month.
Girl, you got busy on the working out this past month. We are hot one day and cold the next. Hope we can do better in March.
Oh, I remember the days of my girls missing the bus and me driving all over creation trying to catch the bus at other stops before giving up and taking them all the way to school. Hang in there, mama.
I missed it this month, but oh well. I got behind on responding to comments bc of Spring Break. I’ll try to remember that for next month.