See my red hair turn gray, Part 2

This weekend only proved to continue the saga of my kids seeing how far they could go. Yesterday Drew asked to go with the our neighbors to the park behind our house. I said that was fine. About 30 minutes later our neighbor rang the door bell and asked if I knew where the kids were. I was like noo….. She proceded to tell me they had heard all the stadium noise and wanted to go see what it was even though she told them not to go. She said she’d already driven around and couldn’t find them. I told her I thought I might know where Drew would go. So we hopped in her van and took off in the direction that we usually go for a walk, where we usually end up at the park where they had been playing. As we drove, we looked down each road seeing if we could see them. As we looked, I tried to remember what Drew was wearing that day. My memory was just blank. All I could think was where they might have gone. “What if they were hit by a car? What if they were kidnapped? What if? What if? What if?” I answered each question with “No, they’re all right. Everythings gonna be fine.” So we kept driving we were nearing the end of the neighborhood roads. There was a mom and little girl outside so my neighbor pulled over and asked if they’d seen a boy and little girl on bikes. I’m like, “On bikes? What? He didn’t bother sharing that detail with me.” So we kept driving after the woman said they had gone back down towards the park. So we were nearing the end of the street and I looked back behind the condos where I thought he might be and there they were. We pulled over and got out of the car. My neighbor started scolding the little girl as I started reprimanding Drew. Needless to say he spent a lot of time in his room yesterday.

This morning wasn’t quite as extreme, but as Rob and I were trying to sleep in, we kept hearing the opening and closing of the dryer door. Rob got up and I heard him tell the kids to go to their rooms and that they were grounded. I later found out they were taking turns getting in and out of the dryer as the other sat on the dryer door, which I’m surprised didn’t break off!


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  1. Heya! Just dropping in to read up in your blog. It looks great in here!! 🙂

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