Scavenger Hunt Sunday #8

I was looking around the house for something to snap for this one. I found this and loved the way the pic turned out for it. What’s this thing called? The name of it has slipped my mind and it’s driving me crazy!

A Glimpse
auburnonmagnoliastreet - 52
I originally chose this picture because it showed a glimpse into this popular downtown hangout. Then, I noticed the reflection, where you see a glimpse of me! 🙂

Postcard from Taiwan
I enjoy participating in Postcrossing, where you send and receive postcards from all over the world. This is one of the first ones I received when I started doing this a couple years ago.

Here’s the front of the card.
Postcard from Taiwan

Love = Bliss?
Love is Bliss…or at least it should be, right?

Expired Parking Meter


  1. Dont you just love the little surprises like the reflection of you in glimpse? I really like your parking meter. Thank you for stopping by Sanukipity Photography and leaving the kind words.

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