In case you missed this trip’s posts from before:
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 & 4 | Day 5
On our last morning in Palo Alto, we went back to Stanford for a tour given by one of the Stanford employees, who helped put on the conference. She did a great job of giving us some interesting facts as we walked around the large campus.

Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden

Love the mixture of old and new buildings.

Rob and I went back over to campus after the tour so we could go into the Stanford Memorial Church before starting to explore other areas.

When traveling, I always look at Atlas Obscura to find cool things to go see. I had found the El Palo Alto tree, so we finally found it.

Then we went to lunch in Menlo Park at Cook’s Seafood in Menlo Park

Next on our list was the Hidden Garden Steps. This is smack dab in the middle of a very populated row of Marina-style homes. There is street parking. There are several other stairways in San Fran to see as well, but this is only one we knew about at the time.

Next stop was Golden Gate Park. We were surprised to see that a section of that park is home to the Golden Gate Park Bison.

Jumped back in the car after snapping a few photos of the Bison and watching them for a bit to came across this beautiful Dutch Windmill.

Just across the street from the windmill is Ocean Beach.

After leaving there we were ready to get some different views of the Golden Gate Bridge.
First stop, Fort Winfield Scott is a great spot.

Round House Cafe is on the other side of the bridge, but another great area, actually near the Golden Gate Welcome Center.

Fort Mason is a great location to watch birds, see the island of Alcatrez in the distance, as well as the Golden Gate bridge.

From there we went to settle in to our hotel (alt=”7.18.2024_California.Trip.157″/>
Columbus Inn) and then went down to the wharf to look for dinner.
We ended up at Scoma’s for dinner, which ended up being the loveliest, best meal! Highly, highly recommend!

After being stuffed from such an amazing dinner, Rob still wanted to check out the candy store and then it was back to the hotel for the night. And actually weirdly enough on our way to the candy store we saw a random coyote! Not something you expect to see in a big city. articles about Urban Coyotes

That sounds like such a fun day of exploring! You really packed a lot in and that last meal really does look so incredible.
This looks so fun! The sculpture garden looks amazing!