Quiet lately…

I guess I’ve been pretty quiet here lately. You should be thanking me though, because if I was writing here every day you wouldn’t want to come back. I’m just not real happy right now. I’m upset, because we’ve had 3 houses that we would live in and all 3…poof…gone! We’re running out of time, so we’re having to concentrate on renting. Since we’re in a college town there’s hardly any place that does short term leases. And that’s all we need is to get stuck in a long lease and then not be able to get out. I found 1 apartment that does 3 month leases, which is good. Our hope is that we can find a house before school starts in August, because that apartment complex is in a different area and Drew would have to go to a different school. The apartment isn’t that far from where we live now. It’s in a very convenient location. It will be really weird to rent again and I’m not really looking forward to it. We won’t have washer dryer connections, so I’ not sure where I’ll do laundry. With kids, that’s not a real good thing, since sometimes I do a load a day, especially in the summer. The apartment complex has a playground and 2 pools, which will be nice for summertime. We’ll have to be on the 2nd floor, which is good in the sense you don’t have anyone on above you, but you have to move everything up stairs and bring groceries up the stairs. I’m not sure if we’re going to bring our dog there, we may have to have a friend or family member keep her. They allow pets, but there’s a $400 FEE, which is ridiculous since we may only be there 3 months.

So on top of being depressed about moving into a rental property, I’ve had to start packing. Yuck! I think I’d be more thrilled about it if I could just pack and not be so concerned with putting stuff in boxes for STORAGE and boxes to take to the apartment. It would be easier to just throw it all in boxes, move, and unpack. I know everything happens for a reason, but at this point I don’t know what His plan is. (I think I said that recently. Didn’t I?)


  1. I’ve been wondering how you were. I’m so sorry you don’t have better news. I’m not sure what part of Alabama you’re in, but I sure wish I could help you.

    I will keep praying that the Lord will open the doors to the perfect home for you and your family. Chin up, sista! Please don’t get discouraged! God has something wonderful He’s just waiting to reveal to you….in His timing! Look forward with anticipation!

    Much love and prayers your way!

  2. RB

    Hope that you had a weekend that was good enough to alleviate some of your stress.

  3. It’s so hard to move and when things don’t go well, it’s even harder. I hope things work out for you soon!

  4. Bless your heart. I know how hard things must be for you now and I’ll keep you in my prayers.

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