Quick Trip to Florida {September 2013}

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This past weekend we were able to take advantage of Labor Day weekend as Rob’s cousin threw a “non-funeral” birthday celebration for her Dad, Rob’s Uncle Frank. Since Drew was marching during halftime Friday night and didn’t want to leave after halftime we elected to get up at before the Rooster’s Call and get on the road early Saturday morning.

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We arrived around lunch time and elected to grill out some burgers and let the kids swim. We rented a VRBO with my in-laws.
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Quite a spread with lots of variety

That evening Rob and Drew stayed back at the house to root on the Auburn Tigers. Alex and I went with my in-laws to Rob’s Grandma & Grandpa’s house for dinner. We got back in time to see the 2nd half.

The next morning we got up and visited the First United Methodist Church in Spring Hill. It was a very nice church. We always enjoy seeing how other churches do things, and many times makes us so thankful for everything our church has and is.

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The afternoon was the “non-funeral” for Rob’s Uncle. It was a lovely celebration. I loved that some of Rob’s great Aunts and Uncles came!
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Everyone enjoyed all of Tara’s hard work.
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That evening we went to Pine Island Beach for a quick look at the sunset and some sea creature hunt.
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Monday we went back over the the Grandparents for some more visiting. Some Jenga was played and more visiting transpired.
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…And Grandpa rated the chocolate cake.
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Although, this was a short trip, it was filled with great people and great fun! Looking forward to being back for the holidays.

See more pics from the weekend here.


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