Project 366 Rewind {Week 10}

Better late than never…

4. Sign of Spring

6. MPA
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Music Performance Assessment: Drew’s first competitive band performance.

7. Happy Birthday, Alex!
Happy Birthday!
Collage of his day.

8. Meet Gary
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Gary is the snail that Alex found on the way to school the day before. He brought it home in this Sponge Bob cup.

9. Blue & Gold Banquet
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Friday night was B&G banquet for our Cub Scout Pack. It was Star Wars themed.

10. Post Birthday Celebration
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On Saturday we were in B’ham for soccer game and we promised Alex that we would go to a n arcade/mini golf/bumper car place. Well we went to one and it was so crowded we couldn hardly even get in the parking lot. We decided to head over Desoto Caverns. They have a lot of cool things to do outside of the caverns that we thought we would do. It was lots of fun…post coming soon.

1 Comment

  1. Some great shots – love the one of your son in front of the water and the signs of spring.

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