Monthly Digest – July 2021

Monthly Digest – July 2021

Monthly Digest - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

WOW! We are over half way done with 2021! How can it be?!?! I have wanted to revamp some of my posts and consolidate, so I’m starting with the WUW (What’s Up Wednesday) and my Monthly Memories posts that I have done off and on for years. I’ve decided to kind of consolidate the 2 posts and call them Monthly Digest. Let me know what ya’ll think!


Happenings Started the month off with our summer vacation.

Loving This playlist: Happy Hits on Apple Music

Our Chick-fil-a closest to our house has been closed for a couple years while they built a new one that would be housed on the bottom floor of a high rise apartment with a parking deck where the drive thru line would mainly be inside the parking deck. It reopened last week!

I’m more mad that I fell through the dang deck again! I fell through last May and honestly I feel stupid writing about this. Our deck needs to replaced so badly, but with wood prices being outrageous we’re putting it off. We’ve replaced many of the really bad pieces, but obviously there are more that.

Just not really ready for Alex to be back in school. I know he needs it and he needs the structure, but this year I’m just in denial that he’s a senior!

Thinking back to a Cub Scout Family camp out at Lake Winfield Scott in July 2011. 10 years ago! Look at my babies.

Lake Winfield Scott

Our Sunday School is back meeting in person, but several couples have moved to other churches because our church was so slow to reopen.

Work Memories
I just completed about 16 interviews to fill the 140 hours that I had open for Fall semester. I hired 12 students and my coworker hired 2, so that’s the largest hiring hiring class I’ve ever had.

Lesson Learned
Work your plan!

Drew Started his new job! He came over after work and got this shot of him.

2021-07-19 18.25.33

Alex enjoyed his very last Sweat Week (mission week that our church hosts where the kids spend the week at the church, but go out into the community and serve). Alex is in the orange shirt squatting down.

2021-07-12 22.44.56

Rob’s been enjoying watching lots of Olympics. He stays up after I go to bed and keeps watching. He served at Sweat Week running media and lights.

Most remembered
Hmmmm…Probably our vacation because it feels like forever since we’ve been able to really getaway.

Favorite Pic Love this dark red Nasturium!

2021-07-26 12.47.14

I’m dressed comfy today. Wearing my Old Navy running pants and my pineapple tshirt.


Eating We’ve eaten several boxes from Blue Apron, which I plan to write about later.

2021-07-16 16.20.56

Favorite So far out of the Blue Apron meals which my favorite has been the Grilled Chicken Tacos with Grilled Zucchini.

2021-07-22 19.11.43


No movies this month!

TV Shows
I watched:
Big Sky (ABC) – Season 1 Part 2 –
All American (CW) – 2nd half of Season 3 –
Virgin River (Netflix) – Season 3 –
Atypical (Netflix) – Season 4 –

Rob and I watched:
For All Mankind (Apple TV+) –
Mosquito Coast (Apple TV+) –
America’s Got Talent (NBC) –
The Olympics

Daily Boost
Murder in Illinois – haven’t gotten too far into this one yet

Favorite Song
A Message To You Rudy by The Specials


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.



  1. Sorry to hear about your deck! Material costs are so insane! We aren’t planning on any updates for the same reason!

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