Monthly Digest::12.2024

Monthly Digest::12.2024



Here’s my weekly posts to catch you up.
Week 49
Week 50
Week 51

Loving these Electric Salt & Pepper shakers that Alex got me for Christmas.

Happy we might get snow next week.

Excited that Auburn Men’s Basketball is #1 right now.

Reminiscing Every December, especially on the 26th I remember my Dad. (posts about that)

Social We had dinner with Rob’s men’s group and their wives at Fratelli’s this year.

Work Memories We learned that our coworker Patti is retiring in January. That means I’ll be the only female in the office for at least a time.

Current Project I need to get my office cleaned up. I’m also trying to get caught up on blog posts.

Drew got the flu after Christmas. 🙁

Alex got several days off of work around Christmas.

Rob has had a cough since we got back from the cruise.

Most remembered Taking Abi and her friend on a cruise


Wearing Lots of layers, because it has been a lot colder

This Weekend This weekend is MLK weekend, so I’m looking forward to that.

Looking Forward to Next Month January is always a time of renewal with the new year.


Eating Lots of good food on the cruise and lots of treats because of the holiday season.

Favorite Oh man, I’m not sure what my favorite was. When I write the posts from the cruise, I’ll try to include that as I look back through photos.


Click TV below to see what I’ve been watching and listening to lately.

Watching & Listening Post

Favorite Pic This one is difficult too…


Look back at last month.


Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday.

LAST December’s Monthly Post!

1 Comment

  1. What an absolutely DARLING photo of the parents-to-be. I know you are getting super duper excited. You are going to be a wonderful grandmother.

    Darn Auburn whooped my Tennessee Vols last Saturday. Good game. Hope Tennessee gets their act together and can pull out some wins.

    We are getting excited about our Alaskan cruise in May. Picked our excursions recently. Now it feels real!!

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