Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

Today for my Places I’ve Been… series, I’m taking you Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas. I’ll admit that the home of the Astros is not the most picturesque ballpark I’ve ever been to, but it does have a couple of cool features.

Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

Out in the outfield is a train that runs along an 800 foot long track, which is always exciting for the kids to see when it moves from one side to the other.
Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

Lovers of the Minute Maid park also enjoy that this stadium has a retractable roof. When we were there is was 100+ degrees outside, so we were glad it was closed and the AC was running. I’m curious to see how the park atmosphere changes with the roof open.
Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

It’s located in the heart of Houston on Crawford Street. (Click to enlarge.)
Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX} Map

If you follow my blog at all, this picture will give a clue how long ago we were there. Alex was just a toddler!

Minute Maid Park {Houston, TX}

1 Comment

  1. First let me say, how adorable is your baby! I love going to baseball stadiums while traveling. I think my favorite one is the one in Toronto. I still have more to see, but that one is pretty special.

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