This month I was happy about: getting a new camera and lens!!

♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great.
✓ = Not much to talk about.
X = Awful. Total waste of time.
Movies I watched were:
Standing Up based on the book called The Goats
by Brock Cole ♥
TV Shows I watched were:
Chasing Life (Netflix – Season 1) ♥ ♥
The Bachelorette (belch) – X – glad it’s over!
Friday Night Lights (watching again for the 2nd time on Netflix) ♥ ♥
King of Queen reruns
So You Think You Can Dance
America’s Got Talent
Cooking shows on Food Network:
–The Pioneer Woman
–Rachael Ray’s Week in a Day
–Southern at Heart
–Farmhouse Rules
My favorite song this month was:
Song for Someone by U2
What I remember about work was: my boss stressing about all the shifting of books and all that has to happen with the new building being built that will connect to ours.
A lesson I learned this month was: not much of anything.
A friend and I: enjoyed time at the lake with our guys.
My favorite pic that I took was:
The favorite thing I cooked was: Margarita Chicken
Drew was:
–quite disrespectful during our 4th of July trip.
–spoke at a Rotary Club meeting about Troop 50.
–excited to get the actual Eagle project work days completed.
Alex was:
–excited for the baby Gerbils that we discovered probably a week or so after they were born.
–still taking piano lessons.
Rob was: busy with scouts and Thunder road and work.
The family and I:
–went on a trip to North Georgia/Chattanooga, TN. (posts coming soon!)
–attended a funeral for Dr. John Cottier, who we knew through scouting. Rob spoke briefly at his funeral. Dr. Cottier passed away suddenly from a heart-attack.
The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: new camera and Drew getting his work done for his Eagle project.