Memories of the Month - Taking time to document the important memories from January.

Memories of the Month {10.2015}

Memories of the Month - Here's a great idea for wrapping up the month with a set of questions to remember how your last month with.  I love going back and reading through what happened throughout the years.

I can’t believe another month has FLOWN by. I guess that’s the story of my life. I feel like I’ve neglected my home away from home here, but it’s been a crazy, busy month. With Auburn Thunder Soccer league pictures to take, edit, and order on top of planning Drew’s Eagle Scout court of honor, I’m exhausted and stressed! Sunday is the court of honor and I’m so glad it’s almost here. It’s kind of like planning for a wedding, so many details and components to planning I’m just ready for it to be here. I have so many things to share with y’all about life in general…I mean after all this is supposed to be my spot to document life. I am super overwhelmed right with emotions and to do lists, but I did manage to squeak out this end of the month post.

This month I was happy about: being able to serve the Lord through the Emmaus community.

This year I’m going to rate the books & movies. Here’s my rating system:
♥ ♥ = Love it! A must read/see!
♥ = Really good! Highly recommend.
✓ ✓ = Good, not great
✓ = Not much to talk about
X = Awful. Total waste of time

Movies I watched were: none!

TV Shows I watched were:
Amazing Race
Big Bang Theory

My favorite song this month was:

What I remember about work was: being more stressed than usual.

A lesson I learned this month was: people amaze me…and it’s usually not a good thing.

A friend and I: were too darn busy to get together this month.

My favorite pic that I took was:
Alex on Tacky Day

The favorite thing I cooked was: One-Pot Southwest Skillet Beef & Rice
Southwest Skillet Beef & Rice

Drew: marched in his 2 marching competitions this month. They did very well in the Pell City Marching Festival coming in 3rd overall, which is great considering this their 2nd year to be competing.

Alex: played in 2 out of state soccer tourneys and came in 2nd both times. We have really seen an improvement in his confidence and skill in goal.

Rob: and I have been so busy planning this Eagle Court of Honor for Drew.

The thing I’ll remember most from this month was: how completely busy we were.


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