Life Lately #1…

Life Lately #1…

Life Lately

Today I’m starting a new series that I’d like to do each week called Life Lately. This will be just random tidbits about what is going on in life. There’s always things I’d like to share, but more times than not, it’s not enough to write an entire post on. I thought doing it this way will hopefully encourage me to share those little things that usually get left unsaid. Or sometimes it may have things mentioned that will be an intro into a longer post later.

Life lately is filled with…
~~ Moving cars around when Drew needs to leave or when we know someone will need to leave before someone else in the morning.
~~ Getting a tow package put on the Pilot, so Rob can tow the troop trailer to summer camp in June.
~~ I had my 6 month blood work done and went back for results this week. My blood pressure was a little high (not surprising), cholesterol was “beautiful” as described by my doctor (it’s usually NOT good), and glucose level was elevated (pre-diabetic). The doc recommended that I read Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. More on this later.
~~ Lots of end of school activities and the last day of school. Finished up 10th grade for Drew and 4th grade for Alex. Time is just flying by.
~~ Planning a 4th of July getaway to Atlanta, because we’re not doing our Annual 4th of July Mountain trip with the in-laws this year.
~~ Two more scout planning retreats (one for cub scouts and one for boy scouts) done! This will be our last year in cub scouts, as Alex will be crossing over to Boy Scouts next April! Yay!!!


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