Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

Lake Martin on Memorial Day 2014

The Friday before Memorial Day weekend, we loaded up the car, with the best camping gifts for a fun weekend of camping on the lake with the F@rrow Family. Among our essentials, we also brought along this Mini Katana for our camping adventure.

Memorial Day at

Drew and his friend, Joe, who the 2nd eldest child of the F@rrow bunch, got to the lake early afternoon. When we arrived they had all of the tents set up. The big canopy tent for us to use for shade as well as the cooking area. Since we had some of the cooking gear with us, they helped unload that and quickly took to the task of cooking dinner for all of us.
Memorial Day at

That evening we enjoyed our dinner of yellow rice with summer sausage prepared by the ever so awesome 16 year olds! Then, we just sat back and relaxed, while some of us took a dip in the lake to cool off.

Here’s our camp site the next day.
Memorial Day at

Saturday morning a group of us walked over to marina to pick the boat. I stayed back with Alex so he could play in the water.
Memorial Day at

This year had a little different feel, since the F@rrows have a boat now. We didn’t waste anytime and all jumped in for a morning ride.
Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

The boys hopped on the tube…craziness! All the kids including Ben and Rob took numerous tried on the tube. I probably took 100 pics of that tube with different combinations of people on it. Here’s a few of my favs.

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

Memorial Day at

We even entrusted our lives to one of the 16 year olds!
Memorial Day at

Both evenings the men fired up the grill for the meat, while us ladies worked on the sides.
Memorial Day at

We rounded out the days with a few adult drinks and music. Fun was had by all and memories were made. I know our kids will have great stories to tell about Memorial Day Weekends at the lake. Thanks to our wonderful friends, the F@rrows for inviting us.

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See tons more pics here.

Other times we’ve been out to the lake with the F@rrows:


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