Labor Day Weekend 2022

Labor Day Weekend 2022

We had a really good Labor Day weekend, so I thought I’d share about it.

On Saturday, it was the 1st Auburn football game of the season. Rob had to get to the stadium early for work, so I rode with Drew & Caitlyn to campus.

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It was a fun game. In the 2nd half there was lightening, which we couldn’t see. It ended up getting closer, so the game was delayed. We hung out in the corridors of the stadium, but we kept seeing lots of lightening. We elected to wait for the rain to slow down and then we walked back to our car.

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On Sunday, we went to church and had family over for our weekly Sunday lunch that I make for the in-laws. That evening we went to our friends’ house, but I didn’t take any pictures from Sunday.

Monday, Labor Day, Alex brought his new girlfriend over for us to meet her. They ended up coming to the Labor Day party at my in-laws house. Here’s some pics from the day.

When we first got there, they put folks to work making homemade ice cream. Here’s Alex and Madison following the recipe.

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A little later lunch was ready. We had to typical Labor Day fare, burgers and hot dogs.

We enjoyed watching the hummingbirds as we ate on the front porch. I really enjoyed hanging out with Alex because I really do miss him now that he lives on his own. Getting to know Madison was nice.

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There are 4 of us that have September birthdays: my 2 nieces, Caitlyn, and me. My sis-in-law made us each a cake. Mine is the one with oreos on top. You can’t see my name but its written in blue.

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Then, my mother-in-law pulled a couple horses out for folks to ride. Here’s my niece getting one of them ready.

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And apparently, I can’t take a pic of Alex with out him giving me a four. Not a gang sign. It means 4PF, which stands for “Four Pockets Full” from rapper ‘Lil Baby, who says he never wants to go back to living in poverty and intends to secure financial freedom through his music. (source)

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Since these riders aren’t trained they are held with a lead and the person standing up instructs the horse about what to do.

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So cute!

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Drew learning from Gramma.

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It’s always fun exploring at the farm.

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Obsessed over Grandpa J’s Zinnias and the butterflies

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Kayleigh always has a blast at the farm.

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It was a great weekend, but holiday weekends always go by so fast!


  1. Those birthday cakes are so fun, and how cool to spend the day in the country. Loved catching up on your Labor Day weekend.

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