House Timeline

Monday, March 26 – (1st day of spring break) Looked at homes for the first time. 4 homes – 2 of which we scratched off the list. 2 of which we kept on our list. During lunch at Applebee’s we got a call from Laura and found out we were getting an offer by the end of the day. 4:45 Laura came by and we reviewed the contract. That night we discussed the offer and decided on a counter offer.

Tuesday, March 27 – Laura called potential buyer’s agent. They counter offered and we accepted!!! 12:00 we signed the revised contract.

Wednesday, March 28 – We went and looked at a BUNCH of homes. Not too happy with anything we found. I’m feeling totally bummed about it.
–We found a couple more homes we want to look at soon by visiting sites like

–I’m trying to get excited that we actually have a contract, but not really excited about the future because I’m not thrilled with our choices. Yes, there’s 600+ listings but only about 20 match our criteria. If the house we had originally found was still available, I’d be elated with joy and anticipation. Now, I get a sick feeling every time I try to contemplate our choices. If we determine that our choices won’t work then, we’ll just rent. However, we’d really like to go ahead and move straight in so we don’t have to move twice!
–I try to get my mind off things but everything I do or watch on TV somehow gets overshadowed by thoughts of moving and the fact we have about a month or so to make a decision.

Friday, March 30 – Looked at more homes.

Tuesday, April 3 – Home inspection

Thursday, April 5 – Home appraisal
Went to look at the Wilson house again and 2 other houses. Signed a blank contract and discussed making an offer with our realtor.

Friday, April 6 – headed out of town to Baton Rouge. I spent nearly the entire 6 hours on the phone. It’s a long story, but to sum it up. We weren’t going to make an offer until we were sure the pest control and termite control inspection conducted by local pest control services came out ok with our house and a couple other minor things. Our realtor called the selling realtor of the house we wanted and just gave him a heads up and to let her know if he got an offer to let her know. It turned out that the there was a couple coming to look at the house for the 3rd time from Atlanta. I started to panic and we decided to make an offer. So we did and then we found out another offer came in and was higher than ours but it was contigent on them selling their house which doesn’t have a contract on it and ours does. We thought for sure they would counter offer on ours, but didn’t and they accepted the other offer. I just can’t handle losing another house! We decided we’re running out of time so decided look at renting.

Thursday, April 12 – Finally finalized our home repair list for the buyer, found all equipment at this website, luckily. Set the CLOSING date!!! May 15th 3:30

Sunday, April 15 – Went to look at more homes. Found one that we really liked. We started getting serious about making an offer so we called our realtor so she could call and ask some questions. Turns out the house was just put under contract Friday. ANOTHER home I started to fall in love with…GONE!

At this point, I’m broken-hearted. SICK and tired of looking and about to make a plunge all to have another dagger shoved deeper in to my heart. I know, I know, it’s just a house! But for us this has been such a LONG journey and now it looks like we’re going to end up renting and this rate we may end up in a hotel, because we have less than a month. We’re trying to find a place we could live in for awhile. A move up from where we were. I’m tired. It’s all too much to think about and I just want all this to be settled! Please pray for us that we can find resolve in this. I’ve been praying and it just doesn’t seem to be helping. I know He has a plan for us, but right now I can’t figure out what that possibly could be.


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