Happy birthday, Drew!

Happy birthday, Drew!

So today is Drew’s birthday and yes, he is a teenager! I’m not sure if I start feeling light-headed when I think of that, because it makes me feel old or because it seems like yesterday, I couldn’t wait to meet our first born.

The other day, I had kind of this out of body experience. I was sitting in my Lazy Boy chair in the living room, where I usually sit when I’m in the living room. The boys were on the couch watching TV together. I had the weirdest picture appear in my head and I’m not sure if I can properly explain so that you’ll understand, but I’m going to try. It was like I was in floating in a little bubble watching over what was happening…me uploading pictures to my laptop, Alex playing with Lego’s while watching TV, and Drew laying on the couch. This “scene” made me think to myself, “Those are your kids. YOURS! This is your life. You are their Mom. Mom! Yes, you are a Mom. Be thankful. YOU gave birth to these precious gifts.” This may all sound very weird, but I can only think it was God at work. Looking back at this occurrence, just shows that sometimes we need to take a step and realize the life that we have. I often wonder what my purpose is on Earth and I think that God pulled my mind away to help me see or remind me why I am here. That I’m so lucky to be given a wonderful husband and 2 healthy children.

Here’s a quick little note to my oldest…

Pic taken on Christmas Day

Dear Drew,

Can you BELIEVE you’re a teenager? I want you to know how proud I am. This is your last year in Middle School and you’ll be moving up to Junior High next year. And…before you know it you’ll be in High School. Yes, time is flying by, but as it flies by, I just become more and more proud of you. You continue to amaze me with your organizational skills and your commitment to school. Dad and I are not the types to follow behind you and check your book bag each day, or check the school website to tell you what your homework is for that day. We’ve never had to. You’re so responsible and like I said, so organized especially for a boy! 😉

This past year you’ve taken on more responsibilities. Now that you’re in 7th grade, you chose to be in band and follow in your Dad’s footsteps with the Trombone. You’ve amazed me with your diligence to practice, never needing prompting. You also decided to run Cross-Country for the Junior High team. Lastly, and most importantly, you have become active in MYF and have even made the huge commitment to be part of D-groups, weekly Disciple Bible Studies. I can’t express the joy I have to know how faithful you have become in attending these weekly meetings. Not only have you made sure you’ve had perfect attendance, but the pride you take in being the only one who has not missed a single week.

I appreciate you. I love you. I’m so happy that you are my son. Happy birthday!

Love, Mom

See more birthday posts here.

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