Halloween Party 2024 & a Gender Reveal!

Halloween Party 2024 & a Gender Reveal!

Here we are for my post about Drew & Caitlyn’s 2nd Annual Halloween Party. This one was extra special because it was also their baby’s gender reveal!

Halloween Party 2024

I’ll cut straight to the news we were all dying to know. The parents to be actually already knew, but shared with us in the cutest way. The party’s theme was “A Baby Is Brewing” Watch my video to see before scrolling down.

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The boys getting the fire going.

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Drew is the Holiday Armadillo and Caitlyn is Pregnant Rachel; both from different Friends episodes.

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Rob couldn’t make it to the party, as he had a terrible (like had to go to the urgent care) gout flare up and was in bad shape. So I combined our costumes and was Back to the Future all in one…

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My other son, Alex & and his GF who didn’t dress up because they were just happy to have a Friday night free from studying and working!

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2024-10-18 19.56.45

Jack-O-Lantern contest

Caitlyn’s pumpkin

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Drew’s pumpkin

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Alex & Mad’s pumpkin
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My pumpkin – Question mark for not knowing baby’s gender with a boy sign with tiny blue plastic pacifiers on left and girl sign with tiny pink plastic pacifiers on the right.

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The winner…Made by Caitlyn’s sister

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Gender Reveal

A baby is brewing

2024-10-19 07.50.17

So we all got to vote Girl or Boy. 20+ people said they thought it a boy, while 5 of us, said girl!

2024-10-18 20.00.09

They also told us her name…As some of you may or may not know, I don’t use my kids real names on the blog. I’ve had this blog since they were little and I did it as a small way of protecting them. I’ll do the same thing for my Granddaughter.

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2024-10-19 09.49.11

Last year’s party>>>Halloween Party 2023


  1. Aww a little girl! That’s so exciting! It sounds like it was a wonderful party all around! I’m ready to dive into the holidays now, for sure 🙂

  2. Congratulations on baby grandDAUGHTER! This must be so exciting as a boy-mom! What a fun way to do the reveal.

  3. Joanne

    Congratulations on a baby granddaughter! That is exciting. I love the armadillo costume. It looks like such a fun night.

  4. Just catching up with you!! Oh, girl, you are going to love having a granddaughter. NOTHING better. This was the most original gender reveal I have seen. Adorable. And y’all look so cute in your costumes. Caitlyn’s pumpkin is the BEST!! Hoping you were happy with the election judging from Drew’s pumpkin. I am happy for our economy but just hope next election we have a younger candidate.

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