Friday Favorites 5.22.2020

Friday Favorites 5.22.2020

Friday FavoritesLinking up with Momfessionals & a Little Bit of Everything Blog

Happy Friday, everybody! I thought I had a list going of stuff I’d found over the week, but either I dreamed it or I’m not remembering where I ‘wrote that down.’ Anyway here’s my Friday Favorites….

I think most of these are going to be things I’ve found across the interwebs. Typically I have things in real life to share. This week again has flown by and it was pretty blah and actually quite stressful!

Friday Favorites #1
Natasha did a post that I just loved. She interviewed her kids and got their thoughts on the Coronavirus >>>> The Kids Take on Coronavirus

Friday Favorites #2
One of my favorite Instagrammers, The Java Mama did a catch up post and it just made me so happy. >>> The Summer of Quarantine 2020

Friday Favorites #3
I found these images on Pinterest. I don’t ride a bike anymore, but images of bikes make me happy and bring back memories of my dad who loved cycling so much. These just made me so happy and warm inside.
Friday Favorites
Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites #4
Shawni who blogs at is such a great writer and amazing photographer. In this post called a renewed love of film photography…and how it captured Elle’s wedding she shares some picture taken with a film camera at her oldest daughter’s wedding. Y’all may not know this about me, but I love old photos. I haven’t so many old photo albums and crates full of old photos that I got from my Grandmother’s house. I’ll be sharing some posts about those soon! Anyway, I love the beautiful graininess of the film photography. What she captured is timeless!

Friday Favorites #5
Just so darn happy to rediscover Crystal at Hall Around Texas. I follow her on FB and Insta, but hadn’t really been reading her blog until this week. My Texas girl heart will always love following fellow Texas blogs, because I do miss it!

Friday Favorites #6
Oh I did go to Home Depot this week for some mulch and soil as well as a couple plants for the garden and some flowers to put in pots in our new sitting area. I want to get some more, but it’s hard to find pretty flowers for shady areas.

I think that will wrap it up for my Friday Favorites. I’d love to hear what you’re loving this week.


  1. I’m hoping to head to Lowe’s and get plants tomorrow. We either have full sun or full shade and nothing in between… “full” anything plants are hard to find. Have you watched What We Should ALL be Doing Right Now by The Adley Show? I came across her YouTube video this week and it really made me laugh out loud (so much so I made my sons, husband, mother & mother in law watch it too!).

  2. Beautiful flowers! I also love to find and follow fellow Texas bloggers. Thanks for all the fun links – have a good weekend!

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