For Today…

Saw this from Fun Mama. I like doing these and haven’t done one exactly like this before.

Outside my window… beautiful 67 degree weather.

I am thinking… why my 11 year old is crawling around on the floor when he’s supposed to be in bed.

I am thankful for… my family and the roof over my head.

I am wearing… my comfy gown since it is almost bedtime.

I am remembering… how much I enjoyed having date night with Rob and wish we could do that again.

I am going… to be going to bed soon after watching more shows on the DVR.

I am reading… High School Heroes

I am hoping… for a wonderful Christmas.

On my mind… are so many things. Lots of worries, although, I try not to, because I know it doesn’t do any good.

From the learning rooms…, you can overcome anything…somehow.

Pondering these words…, “To sit alone with my conscience will be judgment enough for me.” – Charles William Stubbs

From the kitchen… lots of leftovers from Thanksgiving. Looking forward to making some little goodies for Christmas.

Around the house… cleaning and putting away the Fall decorations to make room for Christmas decor!

One of my favorite things… is looking through pictures as I recall all the memories that flood back from each snapshot.

A few plans for the rest of the week… lots of working, start pulling out Christmas decorations, and try to eat normally.


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