Fill in the Blank Friday 7.29.11

By | July 29, 2011

1. My favorite color is
red. Yah, I used to where it all the time. Red and black, which worked out great when I was at a student at Texas Tech and that was our school colors. Now living in Auburn, the colors I sport mostly are orange and blue and I love them, but I do miss wearing red. Red doens’t go over very well here though.

2. My travel destination of choice is somewhere tropical via cruise ship.

3. My favorite food is Mexican. No doubt, I would eat it everyday if I could.

4. My happy place is… I’m not sure about this one. Where’s your “happy place?”

5. My favorite saying is

Source: via MagnoliaMom on Pinterest

6. My dirty little secret is I enjoy watching the Bachelor & the Bachelorette. Yep, I know it’s total trash TV, but there’s just something about it. I love seeing the locations of their dates.

7. Something friends might say about me is that I am loyal to a fault. I don’t give up on friendships easily and I work hard to keep my friendships going. People get so busy that I think people shove friendships to bottom of their priority list and I think that’s sad.

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