Fill in the Blank Friday 12.2.11

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I love soaking up all that the Christmas season has to offer, from the smells, the decorations, the food, Christmas movies, cooking for the occasion. There’s not much that I don’t like about the Christmas season.

Snow makes me excited. Living in the South, we don’t see snow much. When we do, I enjoy staying home from school/work. Playing in the snow with the kids. Watching the kids slide down the hill across the street. Great fun!

The best comfort food to eat when it’s cold out is either chili or some type of soup.

Winter is the best time for enjoying sitting in the living room with the lights turned low and the fire roaring.

I can hardly wait for Christmas. This year when not hosting, which makes me a little sad, but we’ve hosted for the last 4 years, since we’ve lived in the house. This year we’ll open presents at home, enjoy breakfast, and some alone family time, and then we’ll head up to Rob’s mom’s for the rest of the day.

When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to give. Give is as much fun as receiving. This year our extended family that we’re meeting up with on Christmas is doing a gift swap. I was in charge of organizing it and sending out the names of who was buying for who. It was fun! I love doing stuff like that.

If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1-10, I would say I am at about a 10, which I probably get from my Granddad, because he adored Christmas time and so do I. It never gets old.


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