Easiest Way to Cook Bacon

Easiest Way to Cook Bacon

Easiest Way to Cook Bacon

About a year ago, I discovered the easiest way to cook bacon. 4 reasons I love this way of cooking bacon:

* Cooks the bacon nice and flat.
* Don’t have to tend to it like you do when cooking bacon on the stove top.
* Can cook a lot of bacon at one time.
* Much easier to clean up.

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Get 2 cookie sheets and make sure they fit together like a puzzle.
3. Spray the bottom of the pan you plan to use as the top with cooking spray.
4. I line the bottom cookie sheet with foil for much easier clean up. Spray the foil with cooking spray and then lay out the bacon.**
5. Cook for 10 minutes or until bacon reaches the crispiness you want.

I actually get a paper plate with a few paper towels and put it on a plate. To make sure the grease it soaked up, I sandwich the bacon by placing the bacon on the paper towels and then paper towels another paper plate and another plate to help weigh it down. I leave it there until it’s time to eat.

**As if bacon wasn’t good enough. An extra little something you can do is after spreading out the bacon on the pan Sprinkle each piece with a little brown sugar. Very yummy!


  1. We love bacon and cook in the oven – but on a rack so the fat drips away. Then I can tell myself it’s healthier 😉

  2. How interesting. I love cooking it in the oven. I’ll have to try it this way.

  3. I always cook mine in the oven. I have never tried it like this before. I will have to give it a try. Thanks!

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