Water - Are you drinking enough? Here's a helpful post to help you ensure you're drinking enough.

Do You Drink Enough Water?

Today I’m back to thinking about my New Year’s Resolutions. I have to keep in on the forefront of my mind or all those lofty goals will be long forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind, but I really want to succeed at accomplishing these goals. So today I’m thinking about making sure I drink enough water.

Remember that our bodies are about 60% water, but in order for our bodies to remain healthy we have to drink water. In fact, our bodies require quite a bit of water everyday. Now we do get water from foods we eat, but not nearly enough. Here’s a chart that shows by weight, how much water you should be drinking. So the question is: are you drinking enough water? Most people I know don’t drink nearly enough and I’m just as guilty.

Water - Are you drinking enough? Here's a helpful post to help you ensure you're drinking enough.

To help me stay on top of hydrating my body on a daily basis, I’ve downloaded a bunch of different apps. These days most of us live with our phones on us at all times. I figured having an app on my phone was the best way to help me remember. Not only will do these apps help you track how much you drink, but they will also remind you throughout the day to ensure you’re drinking enough. So after using many different water apps, I’ve determined that the best, most user friendly, least annoying apps are these:

Drink More Water, Track Daily Water Intake, Get Hydration Reminders

Daily_Water_FreeDaily Water Free – Water Reminder and Counter (iPhone)

Water_Your_BodyWater Your Body (Android)

Carbodriod_Drinking_WaterCarbodriod Drinking Water (Android)

Tips for drinking more water:
1. Add some flavor. Put fresh fruit in your water. It’s a healthy way to give it some sweetness.
2. Eat spicy foods. Spicy foods makes you need to drink more and just make sure you’ve got your glass or bottle of water close by.
3. Carry it with you. I always have a bottle of water with me. Just out of habit, I find that I’m sipping on it even when I’m not feeling thirsty. Remember in most cases, when you’re thirsty that means your body is starting to get dehydrated.
4. Think about the cost. I have a 3 bottles of water at work, which allows me to have an alternative to the coffee shop or the vending machine. I have three so that I can refill them and keep a couple in the fridge, so I always have cold water. We have a home water treatment system that I can use to refill my bottles each day. That’s free! A water treatment system will be the only cost you will ever spend on.

To help me understand just how important it is to drink water, I’ve read a few books. I highly recommend them.

The Drinking Water Book
How to Eliminate Harmful Toxins from Your Water

Water – The Ultimate Cure
Discover Why Water Is the Most Important Ingredient in Your Diet and Find Out Which Water Is Right for You

Drink UP!
How to Get Clean Drinking Water And Why It’s So Important To Your Health

How to Purify Your Drinking Water
Understanding the Importance of Purifying Water and How Purified Water Can Keep You Healthy and Prevent Unwanted Illnesses and Diseases from Occurring

What do you do to make yourself drink more water?


  1. I’m going to have to check some of these apps out. I am so bad at remembering to drink—well, anything—but especially water.

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