This past weekend Drew had planned a date day for he and Caitlyn. We ended up tagging along as we thought we were going to be doing some wedding stuff that day up in Atlanta, but ended up not having to. It was a surprise for me and Caitlyn. All we knew was dress comfy-cute, having brunch before the main ‘thing’ and just seeing where the day took us after that.
Caitlyn chose Egg Harbor Cafe for brunch. There was a wait, but our food came out super fast and it was delicious. They have a good gluten free menu. I got the GF pancake combo. So yummy! Not exactly low carb, but a good compromise and a sweet little treat.

After that it was time to head towards our surprise part of the date. The event was near Atlantic Station and as we got closer we noticed big tents. Caitlyn guessed that it was Cirque Du Soleil because that’s something she always wanted to see.
As we walked towards the tent from our parking place, we saw this car and initially just thought was a plastic car wrap.

However when we got closer we saw it was actually crocheted.

The show we saw was Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities.
We got to walk on the red carpet and take our pics.

After the show we walked around and shopped at Atlantic Station. They were doing their Christmas kickoff day and so it was super festive.

We ended up having dinner at the Yardhouse. Here’s Drew with his yard-long beer.

Drew told Caitlyn to make a ‘white girl face.’ And now this is probably one of my favorite pics of her.

We finished dinner in time to see the parade. Fun little parade

It was pretty cold that day, which made it easier to get into the Christmas spirit. We had a great day!
What a fun surprise! I haven’t been over to that area of town yet.
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