Den Meeting {100 year old Crop Rotation}

By | September 30, 2011

Today Drew’s Cub Scout Den went on a field trip to a crop rotation field, which we were able to make off 15e (Visit a botanical garden or other agricultural exhibition in your area.) in his Wolf book . There they grow cotton, soy beans, and corn. This crop rotation study is 100 years old this year. Pretty amazing!

The Cullars Rotation est. 1911

Cullars Rotation

The Alvis Field & Cotton Rust

Soy Beans: These are used for making plastics. This particular crop is not the type of soy bean that is used for foods.
Soy Beans

Soy Beans

Busted cotton

Look at my baby!
Cub Scouts Den Meeting at The Cullars Rotation

See all the pictures from this den meeting here.

At the end of the Den meeting we went over bike and road safety rules.

One thought on “Den Meeting {100 year old Crop Rotation}

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