December Little Things 2017

December Little Things 2017

December is always a busy month full of Christmas parties, concerts, and traveling. Now that January is here, I wanted to a look back our busy month.

Alex had his winter concert. Look at him!
December Little Things

AU Cappella had their fall concert in December this year, so they featured some Christmas music.
December Little Things

We made our annual trip out to Lanett for a Christmas tree.
December Little Things

That same day was the Auburn Christmas parade, and while neither of our kids were in it, our 2 nieces were. As you can see they were there with their dance company. The top picture below is the float made by our former neighbors who own a plumbing company. They are always so creative.
December Little Things

Our church’s Christmas festival is a huge event. Standing room only and absolutely spectacular.
December Little Things

We got an early Christmas present. We went from a 35 inch to a 65 inch! We had to get a new entertainment center, too.
December Little Things

We had a light dusting of snow one Sunday early in the month.
December Little Things

One Sunday, Caitlyn brought over a gingerbread kit, so her, Drew, and Alex spent the afternoon doing that.
December Little Things

Here’s my team at RBD. We take a picture right before Christmas break every year.
December Little Things

On Christmas Eve, we did our traditional dinner of Ham and sides. For sides, I did a corn casserole and hash brown casserole. I homemade the glaze for the ham as well. We invited Rob’s sister and her family over.
December Little Things

December Little Things

Then it was off to the Christmas Eve service.
December Little Things

December Little Things

Christmas Day was at our house. You can read about it—>Christmas Day 2017
Christmas Day 2017

The day after Christmas we hit the road back to my home, TEXAS! You can read about it—> After Christmas Texas Trip 2017
December Little Things

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