Day Trip to Columbus, Georgia

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

We live about 35 miles from Columbus, Ga and we used to travel there quite a bit to shop and for different places to eat. However, now that the Auburn-Opelika area has grown so much we really don’t have a need to go there like we used to. This past Sunday Alex had a friendly soccer game there, and it was so last minute we ended up having to get people to substitute for several church obligations we had, so just ended up heading over to Columbus after we had breakfast.

I suggested we park downtown and walk along the river front, which is what we did. Here’s a bunch of pictures I took…
Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Several years ago, Columbus started the whitewater project on the Chattahoochee River where they would be constructing a 2.5 mile course for whitewater rafting and kayaking. It was little early for rafters, but there were a couple guys in kayaks who were practicing in this one spot right near this picturesque spot.

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Here’s a quick video of some of the rapids and then a shot of one of the rafters giving the rapids another try.

Here they are taking a break.
Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Here’s my dare-devil Drew standing on this tall boulder one-footed.
Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Alex was being a super ‘ham’ posing for shot after shot.

We didn’t get hang out there too long because we had to get over to fields. Here’s a few more pics from our walk back to the car.
Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

This was the last game of this half of the season, and unfortunately it ended in a loss. The upside was that I got some good shots. Here’s a few.
Day Trip to Columbus, Ga

Day Trip to Columbus, Ga


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