Happy New Year y’all! I’m trying a couple different link ups in the new year. One of my favorite blogs is In Residence by Anne. She does a link up called Currently. I used to write a post similar to this and decided it would be a good one to try again.
Starting a new habit of drinking 3 bottles of water throughout the day which adds up to about 50 oz. I am so bad about drinking water and I only do it if I’m making a conscience effort, so I’m using an app to help me remember to do this as well as some other things everyday. The app I’m using is called Groundhog, which is a very simple app that has a daily list that repeats everyday. As you complete the tasks you just click on it and it shows its done. I like the simplicity of this app and how it automatically renews the list everyday regardless of whether you do them to day before. There’s another app in case you need reminders that’s called Groundhog, which I may use if I find myself needing a periodic reminder throughout the day.

Hoping for so many things. I’m hoping my car quits making these loud squealing noises, which I was hoping had to do with this sub-freezing temperatures. However, I think it’s something to with the power steering. I’m also hoping to have a more positive outlook on life this year. I want to work hard to be a more positive person and be sunshine in other’s lives. I’m also hoping to get caught up on all the travel posts from the last few years. I still have 1,000’s of photos to go through and edit. I just can’t seem get caught up. I just need to make it a priority.
Scheduling an hour or so every night to memorize my weekly bible verses, which you can read more about January::Scripture-A-Week as well as taking time to write in my Every Day: A Five-Year Memory Book and in My Prayer Journal,
Reading Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, which I actually started back in September last year, but didn’t make it a priority. I have this on my daily reminder list, so I am confident I will finish that up this month.
Playing – Our family got so many new games for Christmas, so I hope to be playing lots of game this year. We need to schedule family game night at least once a month, otherwise it will never happen. Here’s a few of the games that we got…
Another one of my favorite blogs is by Kristin at Taz And Belly, who is also in Alabama like I am. I have always loved her By The Numbers, so I decided to do something similar for the month of December. I had the hardest time coming up with things to put, so I’ve decided that if I want to keep doing these, I need to keep notes. 🙂

I hope everyone is off to great start this year! What are you currently starting, hoping, scheduling, reading, and playing?
Anne will be hosting Currently again on February 7th, so be sure to link up. We’ll be discussing what we’re currently finishing, subscribing, wishlisting, watching, and hearting.
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog via Anne’s Currently link-up. Going to add you to my Bloglovin’ feed as I think we have some commonalities. Also investigating the books you mentioned above.
Yay to drinking water. I am trying to drink half my weight each day (partially because of questionable kidneys). I have a 32 ounce Contigo and fill it twice. Going to look into Groundhog? (had to scroll up to be sure it wasn’t Prairie Dog).
We do a Sentence a Day and bucket list series. Have a great group of gals participating in both and always looking for new friends to join us. Holler if you might be interested.
Happy new year.
Hey Leslie,
I laughed so hard at your Prairie Dog comment for some reason. Thanks for adding me to your Bloglovin’. I added you already as well. Hope your first week in the New Year has been awesome!
Ooh, this app sounds really intriguing – and useful! Thanks so much for joining in this month 🙂
Yes! When they say there is an app for everything, there is and I feel like I’ve tried most of them. 🙂
I’m not much of a drinker in general, so it’s always hard for me to get a lot of water in during the day. I’m really trying to focus on it though! I love those by the numbers graphics too. 🙂
Hey Lauren, My biggest issue with drinking water is that I love Diet Coke so much more. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Way to go on the water consumption. It’s so hard to drink enough in the winter months. Your planner looks like one I would love but maybe next year since I’ve already made my purchase. I’ve heard great things about the Mary/Martha book. Happy New Year!
I am loving the Mary Martha book. It’s crazy how you read books sometimes and you feel like they were written just for you. Highly recommend it!
Thanks for stopping by.
Good luck with the water drinking. That’s definitely something I need to work on! Have a wonderful week!
Thanks, Tanya! If I would drink less Diet Coke, I think drinking water would be easier. However, I have a mad love for Diet Coke. 🙁
That app sounds great! I’m such a nerd for habit tracking, and I like things that I don’t have to think about, so I’ll have to download it!
Your December recap is really cool! I may have to borrow (okay, steal) that idea for my blog! =)
I love habit tracking until I don’t anymore. Haha! There are so many great apps out there to help with it though which makes it more bearable and I feel like I’m accomplishing something.
Heading to check out your blog now. Happy New Year, Amber!