Currently - August

Currently – August 2018

Here’s the currently post for August. Follow along with Anne for the Currently link up each month.

North Carolina Trip

/following/ Here are 2 of my favorite instagrammers that I just love, who inspire me.

A post shared by Susan (@susan.grimes) on

/ordering/ With school around the corner…All my money is going to towards, school stuff. Supplies, marching band shoes, instrument lyres, school lunches…

/pinning/ I’m always pinning tons of randomness, but as of late I’ve pinned some super cute fall outfits and some yummy looking fall recipes. Check those out here.

/watching/ Now that I am done with Southern Charm until Season 6 comes on, I’m back to Netflix watching Anne with an E.

/counting/ Counting down the days till Football season. College football season, that is! War Eagle!


  1. Visiting from the Currently Link Up! All my kids are grown and my grandbaby is only 3 months old so I feel fortunate that I don’t have to spend all that money on school supplies and extra curricular activities. It certainly gets expensive!

    • Lysha

      Yes, luckily I only have one in grade school still so my college student takes care of his school supplies, which isn’t much. However, we help him pay tuition which only continues to get more and more expensive. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oooh, I forgot about season 2 of Anne with an E – that’s what I’m going to be watching next! Thanks for joining in again 🙂

    • Lysha

      Yes, such a great show. I was so excited when I saw it pop up on my Netflix page!

  3. Sad that life got in the way of me participating this go-round. Might do a late post just so I can stay consistent! I certainly see why you are following those folks on Instagram. What fabulous photography.

    I am working my way, very slowly, through The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu. I enjoy it but have to watch every sec and being the multitasker that I am, I rarely watch anything with both eyes!! Usually doing at least 2 or 3 other things while I ‘watch’ TV.

    • Lysha

      Yes, I have several shows that I watch while doing other things. I’ve heard that’s a great show.

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