Church Retreat {2013}

Church Retreat {2013}


The past 3 years Drew has attended the Winter Retreat for the Youth at Shocco Springs. They usually have about 500 youth and about 100 adults go and he just loves it! Since he and his friends have started attending they always come back telling stories of God, spreading the word, and the football game…a boys vs girls football game; one for each grade level. It’s an amazing time and he always comes back on fire for God. Just love to see that in him.

Well, during the same time that the youth retreat is going on, at the same camp, there’s also a Church-wide retreat. This year we decided to go. We had a wonderful time. With a church of 4,000+ there’s always new faces to see and meet. That we did. Our worship leaders were:
Kory Knott of Argyle UMC so inspirational

Rob Webster of Covenant in Dothan, AL was our music leader, also very talented and quite inspirational. He used to be at Adam Hamilton‘s church in Kansas.

We enjoyed Kory’s 5 different sermons about Jesus’s journeys. Each sermon was prefaced with a story about Kory, from the “the Kory Files” by one of our current church staff members, who used to work with him when he was at Highland Park UMC. That happens to be the church where my Dad got remarried. Here’s Lisa telling a story about Kory

Here’s some highlights from the weekend.

Dropping off Drew and one of his friends right after checking them out of school.

Here we are on our way there. We caught up to the youth buses…all 9 of them.

After getting settled in our room, we met for the weekend kickoff. We enjoyed our first sermon led by Kory. The kids were in there with us for the singing and then they got taken away to do kid stuff.

Group shot of the family church wide retreat folks.

Here’s the youth.

Where we ate lunch.

After lunch on Saturday, we walked around part of the camp. We checked out the area where the youth were having their sessions.




Then we walked down towards where the infamous football games would be taking place. Here’s the 7th Grade team warming up.

Here’s Drew taking down a girl during the Freshman football game.

Boys play on their knees. Boys have 8 on the field vs. 14 girls on the field.


After the football we enjoyed some hoops and then went back and visited.


More pics:
Family Retreat
Youth Football Game

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